Chapter 14

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Previous Chapter- I waited until he was far enough before coming out and going into the throne room and Talia came in a few seconds after "father" I finally took down my barrier to make myself visible again. Talia looked shocked to see me "when-I just-" I gave her a small smile before turning to Ra's "I have news to report"


Ra's nods "go on then" I nod back "I have not figured out their whole motive but I have almost made it to the bottom of the whole chemical mixture. Earlier I left Lina alone in the infirmary and she injected the guy we looked at with a different toxin. That second toxin seems to trigger the first one since it is their own mixture and nowhere in any book have I read of people mixing anything they are using I have no idea what it will do."

Talia moves close to me "and what about their motive" I sigh "I overheard her and Jordan talking, they are pushing Jordan to get to know me and my fighting style in depth because they don't know anything about me yet...and since I seem to be connected to you three they are probably planning to take me out first".

I heard footsteps coming in "what's going on, grandfather did you talk with Cobra" I didn't look back at Damian instead my eyes connected with Talia "we have to tell him Y/N, we will try to make sure he doesn't flip out on you" I looked away "he won't flip out".

"Are you sure about that, maybe you haven't been getting closer to my son" I turn back to her and finally turn around when she goes and kneels down to Damian height "Cobra and the other two are planning to take out Y/N first t-" Damian's eyes widen slightly before interrupting her "They're what?!, they are not taking her out. I will bring them all down before they get the chance".

I shook my head while looking at them both "you were saying Y/N" I roll my eyes " Damian, Y/N can take of herself and, logically of course they would choose to take her out of the equation first considering she is our family's right-hand assassin" a small smile crawls to my face at my title "beside it isnt like they haven't picked up on your interest and protective nature of her Damian" I glare at Talia who has a smirk on her face.

"Mother" she chuckles before standing again and facing us "So what is the plan father " I turn to face Ra's too who seems to be considering his options making me worry "if I may..." he turns to me "whatever you decide just...don't take me out the field because of their measly threat. Like you said I can hold my own and I ju-" he stops me from going on a tangent with a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N you are one of my best and brightest, I am not taking you out of any missions or this battle" I let out a sigh of relief "thank you".

"As much as I would like for you to be safe, grandfather is right beside with your powers you will probably be safer than us" I look at Damian with a smile "wellll" they all chuckle "so what is the plan then" Ra's goes quiet again before answering, "you said they want to learn your fighting style correct" I nod "specifically for Jordan to learn it" he hums before continuing "then let him see a fake one".

I look at him confused "you want me to lose on purpose" he nods "He has already trained with you before but was he paying you any attention when the attack came when they first arrived," I think back to that day "he ran off to do his own thing so I do not believe so".

"Good, then let's see if in the next two days before the scientist arrives if we can send you, Jordan, Damian, and a few others on a mission. Let him see that you don't do well with huge battles".

I nod after considering the plan and putting the pieces together "so you want them to underestimate me and then I'm basically the secret weapon" he nods "that's brilliant it also will detour them away from being worried about me and then I can spy a little easier without having to worry about them watching me. Because in their eyes I won't be a threat really is brilliant, almost makes me wish I thought of it myself".

Ra's chuckled "I am sure given a little more time you would have Y/N" I smiled at the compliment "well daughter how soon do you think it will take to get a phony mission put together" . She smirks "not long father, but another real mission might pop up before I get a phony one on the roll" he nods and then turn to me and Damian who has traveled further in the room closer to my side. "You two can pick 1 person each to go with you and I will make sure we mention it around Cobra".

We all nod in agreement "He should send Jordan if he knows I'm going, Jordan doesn't seem to be essential to his plan and by his movements he barely has any fighting experience. Besides it's their perfect moment, I'm not here to do any sort of protection on either of you and neither is Damian".

Talia smiles at me "see you broke down the plan given time" I roll my eyes at her comment before putting my head down "I will try to have a mission ready in a few hours then we can drop it on them in the later hours to make it seem real and abrupt". "In the meantime, we should work more on your connection, It could help a lot in a battlefield if you guys can communicate telepathically".

I turned to Damian who was already looking at me, "you ok with that" I nod "it's just communication we won't have the ability to read each other's minds" he nods back before turning to his mother "what do you have in mind to test this mother". She smiles before turning to Ra's "I will make sure to have our mission set up as soon as I am done with these two".

"Go ahead" all three of us walk out and she leads me and Damian outside like the first time but this time she leads us to our spot. "Been a little bit since we have been here" I chuckle at Damian's comment "a lot has been going on recently, besides it hasn't been that long".

He turned to me with a smile "long enough" I put my head down " how about you two go and stand near the waterfall facing each other". Damian took my hand making me look up in partial surprise and he then stops us where Talia said. He takes my other hand so he can hold both and brings me closer and before I clench up I remind myself I said I would try to open up.

I loosen my shoulder and lean into him more which makes a smile appear on his face. "Ok I have no idea what will work but try connecting your foreheads like you are going to share memories" we did just as she said and I am swept into Damian's memories.

Damian was walking with his mother down the hall that takes you to the throne room "mother why are you trying to get me a partner" Talia shook her head "because working with a partner before you work on your own is a good way to train, its like training wheels". Damian nodded "so the person you are getting me won't be with me all the time, just until I get even stronger" Talia smiles "no I think she will be with you for a while, she is the top assassin we have right now" Damian looks over at her with a look of interest resting on his face "can't wait to see this girl now, you hardly give praise mother" Talia looked at Damian as they entered the throne room "as you should, she should be here any second now" Damian and Talia bow greet Ra's before I walk into the room and the first time we met plays out.

We both pull away from each other and I see a look of confusion on Damian's face "what's wrong" he opens his mouth before closing it "Damian" he finally goes to speak "I-do you have red eyes normally"


Ok so the next chapter will be story time from what Damian saw

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

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