The Aesthete Committee is in search for pasisonate and dedicated members who can raise the topic of our campaign and eloquently do required tasks.
I N T E R V I W E R S These members will look for some of the best writers, accounts, or Wattpaders and interview them. They will manage Aesthete Interviews and frequently upload content.
S L O T S [ 3 / 3 ]
T A S K S - search for well known or exemplary writers, designers, or the like. - submit proposed users to main editors - prepare inteview questions (to be approved) and approach Wattpaders through dm and publish interview.
R E Q U I R E M E N T S - must scout exemplary and underrated Wattpaders such as well known writers, graphic designers, etc. - must be 13 years or older - must be dedicated and active
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to be an interviewer, complete the form below and submit through dm or comment section.
- Name/Pen Name: - Age: - Why do you want to be an interviewer? - How long have you been on Wattpad? - Are you aware of environmental and animal issues? - Can you have access to Slack? - How active are you on Wattpad? - Do you have any experience in interviewing or being a member of a group account? - If you were to interview a Wattpad user, who would you interview? - What types of interview questions would you ask? - State some of your favorite Wattpaders (authors, designers, etc.)
the aesthete committee or admins may dm you for follow up questions.