Chapter 1

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June 24, 2010, it was The Day.

The day when my life drastically changed.

I was walking home after school, dreading the time that I will arrive home. I was sure that my father will be drunk off his ass and start to verbally and emotionally abuse me. And again, I was sure that all my mom will do is to cry her eyes out when he finishes with me and start to beat her up. And we could do nothing but to just stand there and accept what he does to us helplesly.


That was what we could ever be.

The only comfort in my life is my little sister, Anna. It brings such pleasure and amazement whenever she's around. She just seems so...innocent, regardless of what's happening around her. It's like she's being protected from the harshness of the world. In fact, if it wasn't for her, I would most likely comitted suicide already. Anything just to escape this hell hole.

I shuddered from the sudden gust of wind. I was so deep in thought that I never noticed that I was already home.

Could I even call it home?

After all, a home is formed by people who love and care for each other. I had never been really home. I felt myself smile sadly from that thought as I mentally prepared myself from the onslaught of abuse that my pathetic excuse of a father was surely to give me.

"WHere the fuck had you been?" my father immediately ran towards me.

It never ceases to amaze that he could still walk straight, let alone run when he has drunk his head off.

"School" was all I managed to get out as he leaned towards me, eyes narrowing suspiciously. Instinctively, I flinched away.

"School" he spat out angrily. "Don't lie to me, you whore! I know you came from one of the men you sleep with!". This stung. I never had a boyfriend in my life. Hell, I've never even been kissed, hugged or held hands with a boy!

" I wasn't-" but I was cut off as he slapped me on the cheek. Hard. I was shocked. This was the first time that physically hurt me.

"Cassie?Is tha-George!" my mom, who just came in from the backyard, called out as she saw him slap me.

"Don't interfere!" dad told her angrily as she took a step forward. Mom stopped. "-and you!" he turned back to me, "don't ever talk back to me!" he slapped me again. My head whipped to the side as tears started to form in my eyes.

"I wasn't tal-" he slapped me again. I blinked, trying to force back the tears. I refuse to cry in front of him.

"Mommy? Is Cassie home?" I heard Anna's sweet voice call out.

We froze as she came into view, coming out of her room. Her eyes lit up when she saw me, but then frowned a litte as she looked between me and dad. Myy heart sank. I know mom makes sure to keep her in her room whenever dad is drunk, which is everyday. I didn't want to her to see me like this. Her beloved sister, being abused by their father.

Mom was the first one to move.

"Anna, sweetheart, why don't you go back to your room?' she coaxed, putting an arm around her little shoulders. "Mommy's gonna read you a story"

At that, Anna's face completely brightened . "Really?Can you read Cinderella to me this time? I just love it!" she gushed as they went to her room.

As soon as her door closed, dad resumed what he was doing.

He grabbed my neck. "Don't lie to me next time" he hissed menacingly as I uselessly tried to pry his fingers off my neck. "Get out of my sight!" he let go and stalked outside. As the front door slammed shut, I sank down to the floor, crying.


I was sleeping when I woke up from a loud crash coming from the kitchen. I suddenly had a bad feeling so I got out of bed and checked what caused the crash that woke me up. What I saw made me freeze on the spot.

It was Anna, lying on the floor, blood staining her pajamas and spreading on the floor, lifeless.


I hadn't even realized that I was screaming until dad slapped me.

"Shut the fuck up!" he screamed. Instantly, I stopped, but now I was starting to cry.

"What's happen-" mom didn't finish her sentence as she saw Anna. "OH MY GOD! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" she ran out of the kitchen. I sensed her pick up the phone.

Dad just grunted. I saw him bend down and pick up a knife. My eyes widened.



This can't be happening!


A/N: So....what do you think?

constructive criticisms is very much appreciated!



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