Chapter 25

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Cassie's POV:

I froze, Jake's gaze trapping me. I didn't, couldn't, say anything. How could I? Jake was the only person who was willing to there for me. Could I risk disappointing him and leaving me once he knows how worthless of a person I am?

"Cassie?" I felt Jake place his hand on mine, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I -" but the door opened, the previous nurse wearing a sheepish smile on her face when she saw the two of us.

"I'm sorry but I have to get your parents' contact information so that we can contact them" she explained, handing me a clipboard.

I tensed when she said that, fear coursing through my body. My hand shook as I took the clipboard from her. I was surprised that I was able to write down my father's work number with the way my hand was shaking so much.

I handed the clipboard back to the nurse. She smiled at me, then left.

"What's going on Cassie?" Jake's voice broke me out of my fear, but by the way his eyes widened when it met mine, I knew that my fear was evident in my eyes. "Come on Cassie, talk to me, please"

My mouth opened but on second thought, I closed it, turning away from him.

I heard him sigh. "I can't help you if you don't even want to help yourself" I could hear the plea in his voice.

I closed my eyes, preventing myself to talk. I just couldn't risk it.

Couldn't stand to lose someone again after losing Anna.

Anna, I could feel the tears coming again when I thought of her. Why did you let me go back?

"Cassie? Are you crying? Look, you don't have to tell me anything when you're not ready to talk now" Jake misinterpreted my tears. "I'm always ready to listen when you feel like talking" I just cried harder.

"Hey..." His voice softened. I felt him sit on the bed. Arms encircled me, giving me warmth. "Shhh... Everything's going to be fine. You don't have to talk now. I'll wait for you"

I shook my head. "You don't understand" I mumbled out.

" don't have to say anything right now"

And I cried, letting all of my disappointment out while he held me the whole time.


The door opened, my father entering the room, the nurse accompanying him.

"- she's fine, we just need to do a final checkup before we can release her" she explained.

My father nodded. "Thank you" he smiled at her, walking towards me and clamping a hand on my shoulder.

His hold was tight and I can't help but wince a little. The nurse didn't notice. Instead, she smiled and left, leaving us alone.

I was afraid. I was sure he was seething in rage, from the way his hold on me tightened more.

"I- I'm sorry" I stuttered out.

"Sorry?" He let go. "Do you know how much you cost me?!?" He wasn't screaming but I flinched from the venom in his voice. "You're lucky we're in a hospital right now, otherwise...I'll make sure you never wake up again, you piece of shit"

"I didn't mean to..." I started to say but he cut me off.

"Didn't mean to?" He let out a harsh laugh. "You're not only worthless, but stupid. Stupidly worthless" he muttered the last one under his breath with vehemence.

"If you're going to kill yourself, make sure you don't survive" he continued.

I looked away, still too vulnerable, the words hitting too close to home. Tears were welling up in my eyes again.

I could hear him scoff.

He held my face up roughly. "You're so weak...just like your whore of a mother" he pushed my face away, wiping his hand on his shirt, a disgusted look on his face.

I bowed my head, hiding my face.

Just then, the door opened.

"Cassie..?" I raised my head at the sound of Jake's voice.

He was looking at me  and my father quizically.

"Who's this young man Cassie?" I was surprised at the change of tone in my father's voice.

Jake still had that quizical look on his face but he still introduced himself. "Jake, Cassie's classmate"

"Ed, Cassie's father" my father extended his hand. The two shook hands.

"I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?" Jake asked, his gaze on me.

"No, not at all" dad said, looking at me too. Unlike Jake's, his was crueler. I shook my head.

"Oh" Jake muttered. "I could come back"

"No need. We're just waiting for the doctor for the checkup" dad smiled.

Jake nodded. "Okay" I could see that he was feeling awkward.

He walked towards my bed and sat on the chair.

The three of us spend the minutes in awkward silence while waiting for the doctor.

I was nervous. My father was acting differently. It was a first to see him so...nice. It was unnerving.

The doctor finally arrived and did the checkup.

"Everything seems fine. Ms. Adams is good to go home" he told my father.

He smiled thinly. "I'll go finish the paperworks" my father left, sending me a look before closing the door.

"That's great news" Adam squeezed my hand. He glanced at his watch. "Shoot! It's already this late. I'll see you in school" he smiled at me one last time before leaving.

I was left alone with the doctor. He was looking at me intently.

"Ms. Adams..." I looked up at him. "Is there anything you want to say?"

I shook my head.

"Really? You're not, by any chance, suffering?" He asked.


He was still looking at me intently, but I kept my face blank. Finally, he sighed.

"No, nothing"

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