Chapter 5

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Veronica's POV

Dear Diary,

     I, Veronica Sawyer, am once again a Heather.

     I can't actually believe I accepted the deal. I could have said no, but, here we are. Things are a bit different this time around however, and I'm happy to say that my decision has granted me a few positive things:

1. Me, Martha, and JD are now being left alone instead of constantly being picked on.
2. I am somewhat protected by the Heathers from the Plastics (whether I'm actually safe or not isn't guaranteed though).
3. Heather is finally not judging me for my taste in best friends and boyfriends.
4. If everything is done right, we can take down the stupid social hierarchy here in Westerburg High

On the other hand:

1. Martha isn't sure about this whole thing. I've already assured her that I'm not abandoning her again like last time. She still doesn't trust Heather though.
2. Speaking of trusting Heather, both me and JD don't really trust her either. I mean, we can take her word as long as I don't screw this up, but who knows. Maybe she might turn on me one day without any warning, and this whole agenda will go down the drain.
3. I'm not even remotely sure how we are actually going to pull this off. First of all, I've made a bad impression on the Plastics, so there is absolutely no way for me to even get near them without making a complete fool of myself. Second, how does my ability to forge handwriting help me in this situation? I don't know a single thing about any of the Plastics for me to do anything significant. Not unless Heather tells me something I could use.
4. I can't disobey Heather, as ridiculous as that sounds. But what if she tried to make me do something I'd regret later?

For some reason, I'm now constantly being interrupted whenever I'm writing in my diary. This time, the interruption took the form of Heather Chandler screeching at me from her car like a pterodactyl.


School had just ended and Chandler had the brilliant idea of hanging at her place to celebrate my return to their little circle of friends. Of course, it's not a party without corn nuts, as Heather likes to say. Sometimes, I wonder if her obsession with corn nuts is what's to blame for her narcissism. Though, I have a boyfriend who has a weird obsession with brain freezes and slushies, so who am I to judge?

I was half expecting said boyfriend to be here at 7-11, but surprisingly, he wasn't. He told me though that his dad was home and that he might get mad at him if he wasn't there at once. I sighed and purchased several bags of corn nuts, along with a few sticks of licorice, and I went back in Heather's Porsche. 

We drove to Heather's house and most of my time there was spent listening to gossip Heather Duke has collected and Chandler complaining how I still can't accessorize for shit. Mcnamara was the only one to actually celebrate the fact that I was in the group. 

"You know what Veronica? You should get a scrunchie for yourself. That way, we can all be wearing scrunchies in our hair!" Mcnamara said.

"That's not a bad idea, Heather." Chandler stood up and went through one of her drawers. She pulled out a blue scrunchie and handed it to Mcnamara. She fixed up my hair and showed it to the other two.

"I think it suits you Veronica!" Mcnamara grinned as she admired her work. Chandler gave her a nod of approval. Even Heather Duke stated that it wasn't bad.

"Well, thanks." I said. This didn't turn out to be so bad after all.

Cady's POV

"Are you sure about this?" I asked.

"Oh come on Cady! It will be so fetch!" Gretchen said, pulling out several pictures of the seniors at Westerburg High.

We were all chilling out in Regina's dorm room, and Regina suddenly pulled out a blank scrapbook and started designing it. As of now, the cover was pink and purple, and it had "Burn Book: Westerburg Edition" on the cover. 

"Gretchen, for the last time stop trying to make fetch happen!" Regina rolled her eyes.

"But the Heathers use "very" as an expression." Karen said.

"Which is stupid, and that's why we don't use anything that ridiculous. Right Gretchen? Now, spill." Regina's voice was frigid as she mentioned Gretchen's name. "Lets start with Veronica Sawyer, she is quite the talk of the school."

"Sorry" Gretchen weakly responded. "Well, for starters, she used to be part of the Heathers, even though her name isn't Heather. Last year, she made a fool of herself by puking on Heather Chandler at a Remington party."

"What's a Remington party?" I asked.

"Oh, It's a fraternity party, basically." Gretchen said.

"What else?" Regina tapped the book with her pen.

"Tons more! After that, she visited Heather's house the next day with her boyfriend and they poisoned her using a cup of drain cleaner. She was sent to the hospital for a week. Then, Veronica had a three-way with the 2 jocks, Ram and Kurt. After that, she actually asked them to do another three-way somewhere at a field, but her boyfriend came and nearly shot them out of jealousy. Even after that, they are still together."

"What a slut." Regina said. She pasted the picture of Veronica on a blank page and wrote next to it. "Had a three way with Kurt and Ram, has a school shooter for a boyfriend. Does anything to get attention, including trying to kill Heather Chandler."

"Is that all true?" I asked. Veronica was the one who helped me on the first day. It was hard to imagine her as the person Gretchen described. 

"Well Cady, most of our classmates agree with it, and majority wins." Karen said.

"Not everyone is what they seem at first glance." Gretchen added. They did have a point. Maybe it was best to stay away from people like her.

Before I knew it, the Burn Book was starting to get filled with several notes and descriptions of classmates and even teachers.

"Jason Dean, emo school shooter kid who has Veronica the slut for a girlfriend."
"Martha Dunnstock, otherwise known as Martha Dumptruck."
"Janis Sarkisian, space dyke."
"Damian Hubbard, too gay to function."

"Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeney, both they and their dads are gay for each other. Apparently runs in the family."
"Heather Duke, her mom paid for implants. Bulimic. Name should be changed to Heather Puke."
"Heather Chandler, has a chainsaw fetish or something."
"Heather Mcnamara, whines about her problems a lot."
"Ms. Fleming, patronizes students like bunny rabbits. Had some affair with a guy named Steve."

"Damian Hubbard, too gay to function." Regina stated. "That's quite a good one Cady."

"I think it's only OK if Janis says it..." I said.

"It's fine. It's the truth after all." Regina said.

I decided she was right. Besides, would my best friend ever lie to me?

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