Chapter 15

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Veronica's POV

"I've thought about killing myself!" Heather Mcnamara suddenly said.

Everyone gasped. "What the hell are you doing?!" Duke said.

Ms. Fleming barred her way with her arm. "Heather, it's going to be OK. Keep talking. You're in a safe place. It's only you, me, and your classmates."

It was deadly silent. Then, Heather stepped forward.

"Heather get back in line!" Duke hissed.

"Shut up Heather!" Chandler hissed back, annoyed. However, she seemed to worry more about Mac than Duke.

"Girls, zip it." Ms. Fleming said. "Go on Heather."

Heather gulped. "Well, for starters, my friend Veronica was once bullied for screwing Ram and Kurt at the same time when actually, all of that is my fault. I asked her for her help but I simply just left her to deal with them after calling her over. Then I saw how she was treated. I saw how everybody else was treated when they did something that was considered wrong. One time, I had to wear a new skirt that my mother bought me for my birthday. Everyone started calling me a loser since they said my skirt was too long. Heather and Heather wouldn't even let me sit at their table that time. The next day, I was like: "Jesus, I'm on the freaking bus again because all my rides to school hate me now."

I just stood there in shock. I never knew that Heather went through all these things.

"I float in a boat, in a raging black ocean."
"Low in the water, with nowhere to go..."
"The tiniest lifeboat, with people I know."
"Cold, clammy, and crowded."
"The people smell desperate, we'll sink any minute."
"So someone must go."
"The tiniest lifeboat, with people I know."

Mcnamara began shouting.

"Everyone's pushing! Everyone's fighting!"
"Storms are approaching! There's nowhere to hide!"
"If I say the wrong thing, or I wear the wrong outfit, they'll throw me right over the side!"
"I'm hugging my knees, and the captain is pointing."
"Well who made her captain?"
"Still, the weakest must go."
"The tiniest lifeboat, with people I know."
"The tiniest lifeboat, with people I know..."

After that, people started shouting insults at Heather. "What's your damage Heather?" "Don't you think Westerburg's a nice place?" "Where's your school spirit?"

I tried to get to Heather but Ms. Fleming and the others were blocking my way. Chandler and Duke seemed to share the same problem.

"People will say nearly anything to get attention!" Regina said.

"Aww look!" A girl named Courtney said. "Heather's gonna cry!"

Mcnamara broke down in tears and ran off.

"Young lady you are suspended!" Ms. Fleming said. "Turn the cameras off! Turn them off!"

I finally made my way through. "Is that all you seriously care about? TV cameras?"

Ms. Fleming looked insulted. "I care about helping students!"

"Well this isn't helping!" I snapped. "None of us want this! We don't want to be experimented on like guinea pigs or patronized like bunny rabbits!"

"I do not patronize bunny rabbits!" Ms. Fleming gasped.

"You were supposed to protect her! You're an idiot! All of you are idiots!" I screamed and left to go find Mcnamara.

"Veronica!" JD yelled, but he got trapped within the crowd as well.

I dashed over to the girls bathroom. there was muffled crying coming from the last stall.

The Heathers VS. The Plastics [Heathers x Mean girls]Where stories live. Discover now