[Act 1] Chapter 2: Order of an Empire

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May 11th, 1940 Berlin, German Empire

Schauspielhaus theatre

Three months after the Attack on Berlin.

Field Marshall Erwin Rommel of the Wehrmacht Heer, one of the most famous officers in the German  Empire to date, rivalled only by Marshall of the Realm August von Mackensen, the man whom Erwin and the other Wehrmacht officers flocked to during the Civil War, sat outside the door to the Kaiser's new office in the Schauspielhaus, which was refitted to be a military building, getting an eyeful of two tank soldiers guarding the door – another Nazi experiment commissioned by the Kaiser. He need not think about why he was called up from both the Rhineland and from preparing a massive expedition, as the knowledge that the gateway still remains in, causing the Kaiser to become more fearful with the portal in his capital city.

It was a fear that everyone in Germany shared. For the first time, humanity was faced with undeniable proof that they were not alone in the world. It became apparent after the attack when a dragon and knights came out of nowhere and massacred fifty-thousand people in a single day. Who are they? What could they do to a race so advanced? Is the world they come from dead? What impact would they have on the Empire's future? In those first few months, scientists and self-appointed experts endlessly debated the significance of the discovery in every government or independent organization, and none of them gave a valid answer for the Kaiser.

It had been nearly ten hours since the Marshall was called up from the country of Poland, busy arming and preparing the Poles to attack the Soviet Union when war emerges but is now forced to sit and wait until the Kaiser calls, as was such with monarchism. Erwin had spent the majority of his time sitting on a nearby sofa and glaring at an outdated newspaper article, looking through to see the pictures taken of men in medieval armour and a dragon poured right out of the "Gate of Dimensions" - as was it was called now - and still couldn't believe his eyes.

Apart from the shock, he was also frustrated with the fact he wasn't there to defend his city from the onslaught. Though at the same time, he was thankful that he didn't get the thrill of encountering a dragon in the heart of Germany, as he kept his eyes on the part that detailed the gruesome facts of more than one dragon was let loose in the world and were thankfully stopped by the west and the east. It didn't make him anymore relieved.

Just then, the two tank soldiers were given some orders through their helmets and promptly let Erwin through the doors. He then walked into the office, getting a good look of the office probably he would probably look at for the last time. His quarters were large and flawless, enough to fit an entire five-star hotel room in. The black floors and wallpaper of iron crosses added a sign of a menacing presence, and this presence was in the form of Kaiser Wilhelm II himself.

Wilhelm II, King of Prussia and Kaiser of the German Empire, had his back turned to the officers and instead stood at the window, glaring right at the giant magical gate that stood out in their former square. Thousands of soldiers, tank soldiers, tank dogs, and tanks were stationed around it in a semi-circle behind multiple barricades and checkpoints, all on constant alert for what could emerge at any moment.

Everyone in the room could tell he was filled with an absolute fear of what would pour out at any moment, as was the case when a dragon came out and burnt a path into Berlin in a completely random event. For this, the Kaiser had to stall his planned out pre-emptive strike against the west and east just to monitor the gateway, which could cost him his entire empire. The position only has gotten worse when the High Command failed to stop news outlets from leaving the country, and now the entire world knew of Germany's struggle, leaving millions of troops on the borders of the Central Powers.

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