[Act 1] Chapter 12: Meeting of Dimensions

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Looking over the railing of Guinevere's highest point, Werner got a very unfortunate view of all the smoke coming from all around the area between the first gate and the second level. Helga's men were definitely thorough in their liberation of the city. The gunfire has stopped, thankfully, but the mountains of rotting corpses left in their victory stunk more than the leftover pockets of mustard gas.

Werner only got a full view of the destruction from up close on his way to the palace, seeing the mangled bodies being dragged out of the city and into the plains outside. The only thing that put him off the thought was the sight of the clueless civilians of the city staring at him and his escort as they passed the city, but he couldn't help but think that maybe he should have tried harder to stop the massacre. But, there was nothing that could have stopped Helga.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this!" Werner yelled at the heavenly-blue sky. Where he was, a different god heard his cries of anguish.

Upon hearing his commander's frustration, Salomon went up and placed his hand on his shoulder. "It wasn't your fault at all, Colonel. You wanted to save these people, to protect them from our weapons. Helga was the one who killed those people, so don't blame yourself."

Werner gave a snarling glance at his officer. "Just who said I was blaming myself for this debacle?"

"I am sure the meaning behind that little outburst means it is, Werner."

How could anyone have known Helga would show up? Werner certainly didn't, not until he saw the explosions on the horizon followed by Helga's entire army march right in front of them. Seeing all those blackcoats have a standoff with the entire Third Unit, it immediately made his heart sink. There was only one way Helga could have known and it was through their informer who hasn't been reporting in a while. It didn't take a genius to know what Helga would do to spies.

"We better be careful about what we say, Salomon. Helga is in the city right now and if she catches wind of me going to meet the Empress when she outranks me-"

"I don't think she would even want to meet the Empress herself, you are the diplomat of the entire Tor Korps, Werner. It is the likely explanation, hence why her men are waiting outside the city with only a contingent trying to match the Third Unit already in the city."

"Or she is busy trying to execute what is left in the first district. That is also a likely explanation."

"If anything, you should be wondering about your superior, rather than worry about some little girl with a bad temper."

In just an instant, Werner shifted his thoughts on Rommel. There had been no word from Erwin since establishing Castle Dagonet as the main base of operations. In his haste, Werner forgot that he is quite literally a rogue colonel, one who wouldn't answer up the chain of command. Everyone knows the Grey Fox hated disloyalty, ironic for a former rebel, especially from his hand-picked officers. Werner simply hoped the telegram he sent actually reached the Marshal before he found out one of his officers lead a rogue mission.

"Colonel Werner," Simo called out, who was standing by the door of the large palace. "The men by the door says we are ready to proceed."

Werner sighed. "Finally, let's get this over with."


In the throne room, every noble and powerful businessman gathered together on the ramparts or in the seats, waiting in anticipation of finally meeting the strangers from beyond the Gate. Guinevere didn't share in their enthusiasm and instead sat silently on her throne, debating the kind of demands the Grey Ones could give her. Her court around her didn't help her fear as they discussed all kinds of theories on what kind of people they were and done of them sounded peaceful.

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