[Act 1] Chapter 17: Germania

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"Are you sure?" Helga asked, casting a glance at her top advisors. "That is all he is planning?"

"The spies are more than certain, Fräulein," Victor confirmed, setting down a voice recorder. "He is planning to create his own paramilitary forces, one that complies volunteers from this world itself. In his words, it will be loyal to him and him alone. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he is basing it around us."

A gasp of shock in every officer in the room echoed around the room. Helga herself kept a smug face, almost amused more at the hypocrisy than fearful for what could transpire.

"Oh, Werner," Helga chuckled. "You spent your entire life spitting on us Nazis and yet you decide to become a copycat? I guess men turn to hypocrisy when faced with a threat their intended ideals cannot defeat."

"Like the Wehrmacht using our own devices against us?" Michael asked.

"Exactly," Helga answered. "Just like when those thieves used our own creations against us. I always lashed out at Göring for the idea to place them away from Berlin whenever I could."

"But just why would he use the ideas of his enemies?" Wolfgang asked. "It is mind-boggling that a man who held such prestige in the Wehrmacht start to use our own ideas against us."

"Isn't it obvious?" Helga asked. "If it wasn't for the technology he helped to steal, our forces would have crushed that doomed rebellion. We fought until the very end. He was there at the end of it all, in Berlin, so he must have seen the fanatical resistance we put in place until the fall of the Reichstag."

Michael raised an eyebrow. "So you are saying he . . . envies us?"

"Anything is possible. With half his body infected with Untermensch blood, it is hard to make out what drives him. But, perhaps he sees potential in creating an army from people who view us as a defined being. Make them fanatical in their loyalty to the Fatherland (or in this case, him) and they can put up an effective resistance."

The officers present in the room looked at each other in disbelief. It was one thing that a man Werner's age could become an officer, but for him to be allowed to create an organisation like that is a threat against their plans. To create his own Waffen-SS was probably the best idea he ever came up with.

Why did it have to be military, Helga thought? She wasn't at all not concerned about the creation of something similar to what they had before but tried her hardest to appear as if it didn't bother her, at least when she was in front of her officers. It would be embarrassing for the woman whom the men put so much faith towards to show fear towards a single man.

"Anything else to report?" Helga requested, desperation in her voice. "Better lay it on the table right now before I dismiss all of you."

"Nothing that we can't handle," said Victor, most of the officers nodding in agreement. 

"But, we have had reports of our men being charged from the east by men in armour," Wolfgang told. "Most engagements have been fought forty to one, against a single squad!"

Helga sniggered. "As Victor said, nothing we can't handle. The doubt men with swords would ever stop the bullet from a gun. Everything else you can handle on your own has my approval. Everyone but Michael is dismissed."

Everyone except Michael extended their arms, saluting their commander, and left the room in an orderly fashion. Only Michael, Helga, and a few super soldiers were left in the room. 

As Helga lit up a ration cigarette, she said, "You know the one thing I like about the Wehrmacht is that they allow us to drink and smoke cigarettes. I expect it is meant to show our training is so great it will overtake the effects they both have on us. I never quite understood it, but it surely is welcomed."

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