[Act 1] Chapter 3: Tor Korps

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June 1st, 1940

Berlin, German Empire

Four months after the Attack on Berlin.

Werner stretched, trying to work the knots out of his neck and shoulders. He made a quick check of his uniform in the mirror—keeping up appearances was one of the burdens of being a von —before stepping towards the window, the one that overlooked the entire capital city. It was certainly a pretty sight to behold, from an advanced point of view, but it was a city altogether. Situated in the heart of the Germans, it was one of the grandest cities in the world ever since Frederick I became King of Prussia and made it his capital.

Work was pretty plentiful. Aside from gathering twenty-thousand Wehrmacht soldiers actually willing to go through the Gate, there weren't any major problems within the country as of late besides the Gate. Nothing could compare to the Gate like the fanatical remnants of the Waffen-SS either leading guerrilla warfare or within the Wehrmacht's own ranks who'd want to reclaim the Fatherland, or the Bolsheviks from the east who want to extend their border by breaking into the territory of the Central Powers, or the damn Western Allies who want nothing more than to instigate another Great War to break the German hegemony and restore the weak and pathetic Weimer Republic.

But as of late, the entire city was on full lockdown since the Gate of Dimensions opened up in the city square, with Monitors and tank dogs patrolling the city, trying to find a small ounce of anything that came out of the Gate. The only people who remained on their side of the portal were being interrogated within the German prisons, and have not given a single ounce of information from the other side in months. It was still an absolute mystery why they can speak fluent English, the language of one of Germany's current enemies, but all is known that these people speak a language that they can learn, one that Werner was fortunate enough to learn.

He walked to his bedside and took one last look at himself in the mirror. What reflected back to him was a toned, handsome, even for regular standards, Prussian man with light blonde hair and icy blue eyes, enough to make all of Germany see him as a pure-born Aryan.

 What reflected back to him was a toned, handsome, even for regular standards, Prussian man with light blonde hair and icy blue eyes, enough to make all of Germany see him as a pure-born Aryan

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"Der ideale deutsche Soldat." Werner snarled, grinding his teeth. The ideal German soldier.

He remembers during 1936, the year the German Civil War took place when he was just Werner Goldberg, the Nazis used to use his face on almost every cover of the newspapers and recruitment posters on how his facial features, mostly his blonde hair and icy blue eyes, were ideal for the "Aryan" race, despite the fact he had half-Jewish ancestry on his father's side; a Mischling, another Nazi brainwashing tool.

It made him sick at the thought people would define others based on their physical differences but also found it humorous they never found out, not until much later. It was one of the main driving points that made him turn against his own country altogether. Some may call him a traitor, but he calls himself a "revolutionary". Hitler's lucrative ideas of mass genocide and world domination that can only be achieved by going to war against the world whilst Germany was still recovering were what started the German Civil War in the first place, but it just seemed hypocritical that they themselves were nearing so close to igniting that very war prior to the opening of the Gate.

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