Chapter 15

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   i woke up on a soft bed that wasn't mine, surrounded by the smell of firewood and pine. I tried to sit up but a dizzy feeling overwhelmed me and i laid back down in defeat. "Oh you're awake." i looked towards the corner where a dark figure stepped out of the shadows and my mom's face came into view. 'how odd' i thought to myself as she strode over to me. She ran her hand through my hair and i flinched sitting up ignoring the dizzy feeling in my head. "where the hell am I? " "I've waited so long for this day." she disregarded my question and traced her finger tips across my lips. 'what the hell is she doing?' i said to myself . Suddenly she looked into my eyes and caressed my cheek, leaning in slowly so that her forehead touched mine. "I've waited so long for you to turn 18." "what the hell are you talking about?" She looked into my eyes again, hers glazed over with passion. If my mom wasn't so crazy i would actually be tempted to kiss her, it's not like she's ugly. Her lips were on mine and my mouth reacted instantly, moving in sync with hers. 'This is a dream! i ha e to wake up i need to wake up!' Next thing i know I'm opening my eyes only to stare into someone else's. "Who are you?" "Happy Birthday Alexander." the stranger said with a sad smile. "Who are you?" my voice more stern. "I'm nathan. you've gotten so big."  "I don't know you." his expression sadden. "I'm your dad." I knew something was familiar about him but i never thought it would be thaf extreme. (fun fact: alex's dad nathan is not the same dad of damien they just have the same name just a fyi) "So you had me with Valerie?" i asked and his face twisted into disgust, i don't blame him. "Then where is my real mom." He went into this long story of how i ended up with val. It surprised me how close him and tristan were, it also broke my heart to see the sadness in his eyes.

   My ears perked up when i heard noises coming from somewhere beneath me. Nathan must have heard them too because he got up and went through a door. I followed him and saw him standing there with his mouth wide open. I stood next to him and my jaw almost hit the floor because what i saw was either real or i have officially gone crazy. There he was laying on my dad...well fake dad. "I thought he was dead." although nathan didn't say tristan's name I know that's who he meant because i was thinking the same thing.  Behind tristan i saw damien stretch and moan opening his eyes to see me. His eyes widened and his cheeks turned red never taking his eyes off me...

+Hai beautiful people guess whos back I'm sorry i haven't uploaded. i was reading these awesome stories and got caught up buuuuuuuut here ya go and enjoy love yaaaa!!+

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