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Your eyes flutter open, you're suddenly awoken from your deep slumber. You peer to Louis's bed and he's still fast asleep, looking peaceful, you envy him. Sitting up you slide on your trainers, and tip-toe to the coat hanger, wrapping your jacket around you, pulling up the sleeves.
You can hear the clomp of someone's boots meeting the floorboards, you turn the handle but the rustle of Louis's coat grabs your attention, looking back you see he has just stirred in his sleep. You smile to yourself, God he is adorable, and you open the door, tip-toeing outside.

A small, faint and dim light glows in the middle of the hallway, a silhouette holds the source of light and they pause, turning toward your direction. You take a few steps closer and suddenly you realise it's Clementine, you would recognise that cap a mile away.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" She breathed, recognising who you were too.
"No, I think your door did... it's fine, don't worry." You reassure and she smiles shyly.
"Me and AJ heard people shouting, it woke us up, I've decided to see where it came from..." she glanced down at the floor awkwardly, averting her gaze. The moonlight shone through the hallway and the incantations spread across the walls became clearer, unsurprisingly the word "ASS" was sprawled across almost every inch. The floor was dirty, shabby, broken. Planks of wood had snapped or been pulled out, but more or less all of it was intact. Behind you was another hall, leading down the the right, but a pile of debris blocked your path. You turn back to Clementine, who was also looking around.
"If you want, I can help? I doubt I can fall asleep anyways, plus I'd rather not wake Louis..." you offer, and she grins at the last sentence you spoke.
"See those pipes? The noise came from those in our room, I just need to follow where they lead."

Following her finger you waltz forward, turning the corner that led to the doors bringing you outside; your left. But another door was before it, on the left hand side of the hall it stood, and the pipes crawled into there.

"So to that door?" You point to the sturdy, chaffed, blue basement door, and she jiggles the knob.
"It locks from both sides, we'll have to find another way in." She held the candle up to the board next to the door, it had a birds eye view of the school, showing a cellar door outside that should lead to the basement.
"There, it should be around the corner outside." You point to the image of the cellar door on the map and you both head to the cold.

Lurking outside you see the black, looming clouds threaten the sky, a storm is coming. The wind is howling and it blows out the small flame, Clem gently places the candle down. You can hear the thunder as it grumbles, you pull your jacket around tighter as a rolling breeze gave you goosebumps, the weathers anger made you anxious, something was not right. There were patches of overgrown grass around the giant front yard of the school, the picnic benches had never looked more lonely. You follow the imprinted image of the map in your mind and turn around the corner of the shabby extension of the building you just came out from.

"According to the map, there should be an entrance to the basement around here..." Clementine claimed.

"You are overreacting I'm telling you!"

You and Clementine look to each other, following the sound of their voices. You recognised it as Marlon, and his cry helped you find the door.

"What if I'm not!"

The faint scream of Brody is now heard, Clementine pulls on the latch but it's locked tight, you swivel on your heel and find a brick, handing it over to her.

"Oh, you are!" Marlon yells again.
"You are unbelievable! You fucking coward!" Brody retorted, and Clementine slams the brick against the lock, but it doesn't break.

"LIKE THE NINJAS WE ARE" TWDG: Reader x LouisWhere stories live. Discover now