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So my chapters range from 1000-2000 words, but I'm wondering if that is too long or not long enough? And on another chapter note, am I taking too long with the story? I'm like 13 chapters in and we still haven't met Lily or Abel in the forest, we're coming close to it. I read someone's story and 5 chapters in they were already fighting the raiders! So it's put things into perspective; I'm either taking too long or timing it right.

Plus, I've been thinking that maybe I could add some different POVs? Like, maybe the POV of Louis or even Clementine or AJ. I'm unsure if I actually will, but if you guys have any ideas or like the thoughts of any of these feel free to tell me now.

I also would like to thank everyone because my story has 500+ reads!! And I'm up to 50+ votes, it may not seem like much but it's very exciting and I have you guys to thank for it all. So, thank you all so much.

This is just a short notice/questions thing, I know my publishing has been hectic lately, so I apologise for my, yet again, inconsistency. I have a couple more chapters I'm working on, I will try to be more consistent. Problem is, I'm a week away from my exams. So shit will hit the fan when they come around, I'll figure out what to do for that in the mean time.

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