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"Daddy!" Alex cries, running out to the bonfire. It's Friday night, and everyone is at the Clifford's for a bonfire (it's still Calum's turn for the barbecue, though). Hudson is helping the other boy carry Michael's guitar to him. They were doing some exploring in his room.

"Oh," Michael laughs, taking the instrument from his son.

"Play it!" Alex cheers, running over to sit with Calum.

"What do you want me to play?" he asks, a smile on his face. Michael can't help but smile every time he looks at his son. He takes his seat next to Aspyn and Ashton again.

"Anything." Alex shrugs.

"Okay." Michael laughs, and starts playing the Campfire Song Song, from Spongebob. Ashton groans because this has happened before, and Calum just bursts into laughter. Michael starts singing it hardcore, and yells at Luke to sing with him.

Luke stumbles over the letters, "I can't!" He chuckles.

Michael laughs again, and begins the intro to "Wherever You Are", looking at Luke. He laughs, singing the beginning of one of his favorite songs. Ashton giggles, resting his chin on the top of his daughter's head. They go through the whole song. They sound absolutely awful, but they're all just messing around.

"Again, again!" Kennedy squeals. She's sitting right next to her dad.

"What do you want us to do now, Kenny?" he asks her, pulling the small girl onto his lap. She shrugs, yawning as she leans against Calum's cheset. "Is someone ready for bed?"

"No," she whines, rubbing at her eyes.

Michael chuckles, playing the beginning of "Disconnected" because he can. No one starts singing it. They just let Michael play the song. Michael sits and messes around with different riffs. Aspyn is just about sleeping in Ashton's lap. Alex is leaning against Michael, his eyes closed.

Luke takes the guitar from Michael, and does just about the same thing that his friend was doing. Michael scoops up his son and brings him inside. "But, Daddy, I'm nost tired," he mumbles.

"Yeah, you are, Bud. You'll see everyone tomorrow, I'm sure. The party's almost over, anyway." He ruffles the little boy's hair. Alex smiles a little at his dad, accepting the pajamas Michael's holding out to him. "Go brush your teeth. I'll wait here and tuck you in, yeah?"

It only takes five minutes to get him tucked into bed. "Goodnight, little man," Michael whispers, kissing his son's forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too, Daddy."

When Michael gets back outside, Cassidy is playing his guitar. "You're getting good, Cass." He laughs. She shrugs. "You should have me teach you instead of your dad. I'm better than him."

"I'm better than him!" Ashton chimes in, laughing at his own joke.

"Shut up." Luke rolls his eyes, a smile on his face. "I hate you, and your band sucks."

"Do you hate us because our band sucks, or does our band suck because you hate us?" Calum chuckles.

"You're all annoying. I'm leaving." Luke stands up, flicking Calum while he's at it. "Are you gonna come home or stay with Ryan tonight?" he asks Cassie.

"I'll stay with Ryan if that's okay," she trails off, looking from Ashton to Luke.

"I don't care." Ashton shrugs. He stands up, still holding Aspyn.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." Luke kisses Cassie's forehead, pusing her off after Ryan.

"They've totally got a thing for each other, don't they?" Chloe and Jordan are inside taking care of a sleepy Hudson, so Luke can say whatever he ways.

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