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Jordan lays across Chloe's bed, burying his face in her comforter. He was at his mom's over the weekend, so he hasn't really seen her since Friday. Chloe sits at the top of her bed, leaning against the wall. They only got home from school about ten minutes ago, but her dad already checked on them, like, four times. He insists that they keep the door open, even though all the two kids are doing is homework. Chloe's too scared to get much closer to Jordan in fear that her dad will think something of it. He never used to care what Jordan and Chloe did. They kiss one time and the whole world gets turned upside down.

"Can you help me with this problem?" Chloe asks, finally deciding to just lay next to Jordan. She brings her math homework with her, placing it in front of the both of them. Jordan shrugs, not even looking at the book, and rolls off of her bed. He lands with a loud thump on the floor, laughing to himself. "Jordan, help me," she whines, but she's laughing too.

"I don't know. Call Cassie. She's better at math than I am." He sits up to pull his bookbag toward him so he can get his own work out.

"She's probably with Ryan. They were being weird today. Like, she wouldn't leave his side," Chloe says, recalling the day's events. She puts her pencil down, now more interested in Ryan and Cassidy than her homework.

"He had a little freak out Saturday night. That's probably why," Jordan informs her, following her actions and putting his pencil down as well.

"How do you know?" Chloe asks, knowing Ryan didn't tell Jordan this. Ryan doesn't tell anyone anything, unless it's Cassie.

"I heard Uncle Luke talking about it with my dad." Jordan shrugs. "I mean I guess he's okay now. Maybe not okay, but better than he was on Sunday. Apparently Ryan and his dad had this heart to heart and then Cassie woke up the next morning freaking out because of the amount of times that Ryan called her so they went over there, and all was well in the Irwin household."

"So, is he okay now?" Chloe asks, even though she knows Jordan doesn't know any better than she does.

"He seemed okay today. My guess is that he isn't completely better." Jordan shrugs again, looking up at her from the floor. "Come sit with me." He pats the spot next to him after running his hands through his hair. The color is fading to a powder blue, but he doesn't feel like re-dyeing it.

Chloe gets up, taking a seat next to him. She leans against the wall. Jordan rests his head on her shoulder, slowly moving his hand to find hers. She smiles, linking her fingers with his. Chloe feels butterflies erupt in her stomach. She lets her head fall on his own.

Jordan lifts his head, pulling Chloe closer to him. Her head now rests on his chest, her eyes half closed. "You can't nap. There's math homework to be completed!" He laughs, rubbing thumb back and forth on her shoulder.

"Can you do it for me?" she asks, her eyes closing completely.

"If you want to get it all wrong. I could do your history for you, though." He chuckles, gently kissing the top of her head. She tries to hide her blush, but there's really no point. "You're so cute." He pouts, rubbing her back. Chloe smiles into his chest.

"I should actually do my homework," Chloe mumbles, but she doesn't move.

"No," Jordan whines, wrapping both of his arms around her shoulders. He holds her tightly against him, not letting her get up.

"My dad's gonna come in and flip."

"Oops." Jordan shrugs.

Calum walks in just a minute after that, and neither of the kids have moved. He groans, but he's smiling. Chloe doesn't open her eyes. Jordan just waves at Cal. "Hi, Jordan." Calum laughs. "I'm not even gonna try. I give up. Just leave the door open." He shakes his head, walking out of the room with his hands in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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