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"How was your night?" Calum asks Chloe when she walks into the kitchen.

"Good," she says slowly.

"What'd you guys do?" Calum gives her a side hug, kissing her temple.

"We just hung out. We didn't stay up long after everyone else left." Chloe shrugs, picking up a plate.

"You two amaze me." He shakes his head, laughing.

"Why?" She giggles.

"You're just together all the time and still manage to hang out and find different things to talk about." He drops a pancake on her plate.

"Dad," she mumbles, setting her plate on the table. She wants to tell him before the twins run in.

"Hmm?" he coos, looking down at her with wide eyes.

"I, um, we, well," Chloe stutters, not knowing how to say it.

"Did you guys fight? Oh, please don't tell me you and Jordan got in a fight." Calum hugs his daughter. "It's okay. Everyone fights sometimes. Even Cass and Ryan argue."

"Jordan kissed me," she blurts. Calum's head shoots up.

"What?" he asks, trying to keep his voice soft. All Chloe can do is nod. "Jordan Clifford, Michael's son, kissed you, Chloe Hood, my daughter." She nods again. "The boy who calls you Hoodster kissed you."

"Dad," she says. He shakes his head, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. He rests his chin on top of her head, rubbing her back.

"Why is he kissing you? You're still, like, seven years old." He twists her hair around his fingers.

"Dad," Chloe repeats, trying not to smile.

"You're still my baby girl. You shouldn't have a boy kissing you." He doesn't let go of his daughter, still holding her tightly.

"I'm sorry," she mutters.

"You're growing up," he murmurs into her hair.

"What's going on in here?" Molly asks. She goes to pat her daughter's back, but she can tell that Calum needs a moment. She pats his back, laughing a little. "Babe, if you hug her any tighter or any longer, she'll suffocate."

"I love you," he whispers.

"I love you too, Dad." She giggles.

"What happened to make you all weird?" Molly kisses Calum quickly, squeezing his hand.

"Let's talk about it later. Where are the twins?"

"I thought they were right behind me." She looks behind her and then pleadingly back at Calum.

"I'll go get them." He smiles.

"What did your dad flip out about?" Molly asks, rubbing Chloe's arm.

"He didn't really flip out."

"Yes he did. That was him flipping out." She pats her daughter's hand, smiling.

"Jordan kissed me." She sighs.

"Oh, now he must be having a crisis."

Cal returns a second after that. Kennedy clutches at her dad's shoulders, a giggling mess. He carries Hudson on his hip and holds Kenny on his back. His youngest daughter's giggles in his ear makes his smile unbelievably big.

"Okay, breakfast time," he announces.


"I kissed Chloe," Jordan tells his dad.

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