225 27 26

April 01, 2019

"why do you have to be so beautiful?", chaoyuan whispered to the lady sleeping on his bed, he rests his cheeks on his palms as he stared at the beauty in front of him

chaoyuan stayed on his position, looking like a creep who just abducted a beautifuly lady. his friends were staring at him from his room's door and started mumbling different words to each other,

"what the hell happened to him?", asks guan yue who is looking at chaoyuan with disgust

zhenning tapped his right foot on the floor, trying to distract chaoyuan but it's of no use

"ugh he's really weird", junjie started to walk out from the place, "i can't take it anymore, bye!"

junjie waved his hands as he ran back going to his room, youwei suddenly commented, "is it really sure that she's from eucatastrophe?"

huaiwei nodded, "you look like you haven't seen her wrist yet but here," huaiwei fished out his phone and showed youwei the picture

huaiwei nodded, "you look like you haven't seen her wrist yet but here," huaiwei fished out his phone and showed youwei the picture

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"woah! that's so cool!", shi zhan commented with his loud voice, "can we have that too?"

lin mo smacked shi zhan on the head, "you really don't have the sense of originality!"

guan yue hummed, "but the girl is really beautiful though, chaoyuan is just too much"

"don't tell me you're infected of chaoyuan's disease too?", zhenning gasped dramatically

guan yue glared at him, "what the fuck? no, i'm not that obsessed to girls"

wang zhe suddenly came running inside of chaoyuan's room and screamed, "GE! YOU HAVE A VISITOR!!"

chaoyuan looked back with an annoyed face, "who? i won't take visitors right now"

"huh really?", a soft voice came out from the mouth of the lady who just walked in chaoyuan's room, "you won't really take me in?"

chaoyuan together with others gasped by the presence of the lady, "j-ji r-renyi! why are you here?", chaoyuan stuttered by the presence of her step sister

she scrunched up her nose, "excuse me? i'm not a JI anymore, i'm Deng Renyi! don't you remember your father married my mother?"

guan yue looked to his friends and mouthed, "i think we should go?"

zhenning agreed and whispered, "it will be a fight between siblings again"

"they're not biologically siblings though", huaiwei rolled his eyes as he motioned everyone to walk out of chaoyuan's room quietly

everyone successfully moved out of chaoyuan's room, except for wang zhe who looks like he wanted to see a show

chaoyuan scoffed as he crossed his arms, "you just asked your mom to marry my dad for us to have the same surname, i knew you like me"

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