Numerous Relations (Young Frodo)

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"But Mother, I don't want to go to Hobbiton! It's my birthday and it's beastly to make me waste it with a bunch of old people I don't even know."

Primula's eyes flashed in anger and she set her jaw squarely, "Frodo Baggins! I will not hear you speaking of your family that way."

Frodo's face fell at his mother's ire, he dipped his head in sadness, his unruly brown curls obscuring his startling blue eyes. "They're hardly my family. I have never seen them before. Why can't they visit us here in Brandy Hall?"

Primula held her arms out in a silent invitation for a hug. Tiny Frodo crawled into his mother's lap, dirtying her emerald colored party dress and wrapped his fists in her long, chestnut curls. It was something he had done as a child that still brought him comfort, to feel his hands in her soft hair. She sighed at the mess of her skirts and brushed Frodo's hair from his face. "You might not believe so, my lad, but they are your family. And guess what? It is also your Uncle Bilbo's birthday today and you know what that means!"

"I get a present, too!" Frodo jumped from Primula's lap and bolted out the door.

"Come, Drogo! I've gotten our wee Dragon out the door with a promise of loot of his own on his birthday. Do hurry before he changes his mind!" She ran out after Frodo ensuring he would get up to no mischief while they waited on her husband.

Drogo hopped out of their bedroom while pulling on his trousers and puffing. That didn't take nearly as long as I expected, he thought and he, too ran for the door. He did love visiting his bachelor cousin Bilbo, Bag-End was spectacular and positively private after living so many years amongst the herd of Brandybucks in Brandy Hall.

Oh, and Bilbo gave the best presents on his birthday. Frodo was fortunate to share it with him.

Very fortunate, indeed.


Written for Bilbo and Frodo's birthday - 9/22/14

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