Chapter 7: Taking it Slow

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[Erik's POV]

There was Perhaps no one that was more gentle with children then Docter Erik Iplier. The man himself was rather quiet and calm and preferred to be in the library than anywhere else. The smallest male of the bunch was probably the gentlest of the bunch, seeing as he worked in a hospital, and often had to deal with injured men, stressed women, delicate seniors and crying children.

It was a normal day for the man, who sat at his computer, typing away and working on other things as he had no patients on this slow day. The desktop was fairly new, and, thanks to the hospital and Erik using a little of his savings, he managed to get a used 2018 chromebook. He was figuring out files and emails when his phone, a luxuarious Samsung galaxy 8, buzzed a few times, alerting him to a message he had received.

I paused for a moment, looking between my work and my phone, all and startled when it buzzed once more. Reluctantly, I took my hands off of the 'book and picked up my phone, turning it on and looking at the notifications that alerted me that I was getting messages from my housemate, Damian.

Erik, I'm coming to the office, I have...someone that needs your attention

As if that wasnt already strange, Erik heard a knock at his door, bringing him to look up from his phone. He shifted a little, licking his lips for a moment before setting his phone down, facing the screen down to the desk and answering the door to find, well, Damian, carrying something, or someone small. A child, perhaps.

"Erik. You got my messages"

The taller male seemed quite relieved...and I could see in his expression...and from his body language; him shifting his weight from one foot to another, tapping his foot but wearing a smile. He was trying to remain and appear calm..but something was turning, the wheels in his mind moving, the cogs shifting and creaking as he tried to stay calm. I moved to the side, allowing the other male into the room before closing the door behind him. It shifted, pushing my glasses closer to my eyes as I walked around my desk and took a seat in the black furred chair I was so used, and accustomed to. I could see now, he was indeed carrying a child..which seemed unusual.

"'re supposed to make an appointment.."

Those were the first words out of my mouth in my sort of...daze of awe..what was unraveling here? Damian shifted a little, seeming a bit.

"I...I know, I tried to contact you, but...I suppose it was last minute..and I'm very sorry about waiting.."

Damian apologized, bouncing the seemingly sleeping child in his arms, being...gentler than I have ever seen him be. Whatever was going on, whatever this kid was..I shook my head a little, letting it a breath to calm myself.

"So...what's going on..?"

I am sorry for like...hiatusing for like two week. It was unintentional, believe you me. The references are being put on hold

o, until then, I will be trying to give chapters for missing out for the last two weeks. Till next time]

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