Chapter 19; Him

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The reason they had never returned to the apartment in the first place, the thing of glitching terror and nightmares. A giggling terror of the dark..the iplier could hear him laughing, mocking him from no where but his voice seemed to echo around the room. It drove Dark insane! He was no where yet it felt like he was was truly frightening..and that was coming from the lord of Darkness.

Dark felt two cold hands grip his shoulders from behind, gripping him and shoving him forward against the bars, suddenly and violently.

Dark writhed, calling out into the darkness as he tried to grab the bars and push back on whatever was holding him in place. He struggled, trying to get away like a mouse in a game of cat in mouse, where the cat held its tail. Always being pulled back to the start.

The person doing this smiled to themselves. Though Dark might not see it, knowing that they had no reflection in the bars...they turned their head and looking at the toys on the table. All the delightful pokers and stabbers and...other metallic things..they looked at Dark then snickered, disappearing from behind the cage, wordlessly moving around the room through the shadows.

Dark felt the weight leave his shoulders and it was easier to breathe again..he groaned softly and moved away from the bars in front of him. He strained his arm around and rubbed his back, looking around the room.

Where was it?



"Curiouser yet Curiouser" DarkxChild!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now