Ch.3:The Guys

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Ch.3:The Guys

You walk in to the lair with Donnie at first you don't see anyone, but then Donnie calls out to them.

"Guys I'm Home!" He yells into the place, you hear running and some crashes, then you hear voices.

"What the heck you guys!" You hear the child like voice say.

"We don't want you scaring her off." The authoritative voice says.

"But she's friends with Donnie." The voice whines again.

"He does have a point, Donnie is uglier then Mikey." A non-caring voice says.

"Hey! You know we can hear you!" Donnie says angrily.

"Yeah, yeah, hold your shell were comin'." The voice says as three more mutant turtles appear.

"(Y/N) these are my brothers, Leo," He points to the blue clad turtle, "Raph," pointing towards the red clad turtle, "and Mikey." He says pointing to the orange clad turtle.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N), you must be really nice, Donnie talks about you almost all the time." He says happily as he looks at you excitedly, completely oblivious to the blush on your face.

"That's not true Mikey," Raph says before Donnie could, he lets out a breath of relief, "he doesn't talk about her almost all the time, he talks about her all the time, (Y/N) this, (Y/N) that, he never shuts up about her." Raph smirks as Donnie and You blush furiously.

"Guys stop teasing Donnie and (Y/N)," Leo interferes, "he can have a girl that's a friend, without her being his girlfriend, even if he talks about her a lot." You blush at his words.

"Leo your not helping." Donnie ways annoyed, putting his face in his hand. "We're going to be in the lab." Donnie grabs your hand and takes you there, but before you two are free you hear Raph.

"Don't Have Too Much Fun You Crazy Kids!" Laughter follows the statement.

"Sorry about them," Donnie says after closing the door, "their not used to meeting new people." He laughs nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Nah it's okay, I'm sure my family would be just as bad." You say looking around at the different chemicals and inventions. "This stuff is really cool," you find the head of a robot turtle, "what's this?" You ask examining it.

"Oh that's metal heads, head." he says looking at it over your shoulder. "We were fighting against Kraang and metal head was on the other side of the portal, and he just self destructed, leaving us with his head." You nod looking at it then setting the head down.

"Sorry that your invention had to self destruct." You turn to look at him leaning against the desk.

"Nah it's fine, He was a little slow anyways." He says laughing a little as if reminiscing.

"Well don't worry," you say patting his shoulder, "I'm sure you could build a new one." You say, you look over at a something that catches your attention.

Dragging your hand down Donnie's arm as you go to look at it, you can feel him shudder at the touch. You look at a wall filled with pictures of him and his brother, some just his brothers, his whole family, your guessing the rat was their dad. You smile at one picture of them all doing silly faces, Donnie taking the picture. Then you get to a picture of him pushing April on a swing set, they're both smiling. The frame of the picture is pink with hearts all around it. You pick it up, looking at it closely, a hand touches your shoulder, you completely forgot about Donnie.

"This is a nice picture." You say smiling at him, he laughs embarrassed and take the picture away.

"Yeah, it's the only picture I have of her he says opening a drawer and putting it in there, you reach in and take out a random picture of April.

Donnie and You (TMNT, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now