Ch.2: We Meet Again.

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Ch.2: We Meet Again.

It's been a few weeks since meeting Donatello and quite frankly you cant get him out of your mind, you two are constantly texting each other, and you got a long more than you thought you would. You two kept talking about meeting each other again but both of your schedules have been so busy, until one night.

"Ugh, I'm so bored, Donnie tell me a joke." You say into the phone as Donnie chuckled at your child likeness.

"I don't know any good ones, sorry." You can hear his smile over the phone.

"I literally have nothing to do right now."

"Me too." You both stop in realization.

"I'll text you my address."

"I'll be there soon." You both hang up.

You send him my address and head up to the roof, you get up there and wait for him to come, after a little bit you start to wonder if he's ever going to come.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." He says, you turn around and smile at him, getting up and coming over.

"It's fine it's all good." You say giving him a small punch to the shoulder, he smiles back.

"So what have you been up to?" You ask Donnie as you both sit down on the edge of the building.

"Oh the usual, getting attacked by kraang, occasional mutant, Casey goin' on dates with april no big deal, nothing out of the ordinary." He says looking out at the city sadly at the mention of Casey and April.

"I'm sorry you and April can't be together." You say putting your hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, well I guess that's just how life works, only date within your species." He says laughing sadly turning to give you a weak smile.

"That's not true Donnie." You say giving him a small smile.

"Oh yeah?" He shrugs your hand off. "Tell me why then, why does nobody love a mutant?" He says standing up and moving to the middle of the building and looks down, your at a lost for words. "See you can't even answer the question, maybe I'm just not worth loving." He says slouching never looking back at you.

"Donnie, I think I know you well enough to say that you are worth loving." You say walking towards him. "As long as you have people you love and they love you back you'll be fine." You say touching his shoulder, he looks at you slightly, you give him a small smile.

"Ya know (Y/N) you should really consider being counselor or something." He says turning towards you completely.

"I know, but I'm fine with being yours for now and getting a masters in awesomeness anyways." You say smiling, you bring out your arms for a hug. "Hug Me Brotha!" Donnie laughs at your silliness and hugs you, you feel so safe in his arms.

"You give great hugs." He says bringing you closer, you laugh a little.

"Thanks I have a lot of practice with my pillows, stuffed animals, and family members." You say enjoying the hug not wanting to be the first to let go.

You both pull back a little to look at each other smiling until things become serious, you look into hid reddish brown eyes, you look at them closely. His eyes captivate you, the color is so unique to you, never before seeing a color like it, he's staring back at you. You both blush as you stare at each other you lean closer, letting your eyes flutter shut and then- There's a loud ringing coming from Donnies pocket, both of your eyes shoot open at the ringing noise freezing you both in place as you remove your hands from each other, you both blush a very dark red as Donnie answers his phone.

"Hello?" He answers awkwardly. "I'll be home soon..... No its not like that," You look at donnie blushing as he turns to you but immediately turns away. "Can I bring her over?...... I think we would've known that already." There's a longer pause at this one. "Mickey give the phone back to Leo." He says face palming. "Shut up Mickey, she'e just a friend. Just give the phone back." His blush grows more. "Okay, I'll ask her." He turns to you.

"Hey (Y/N) do you want to meet my family and others?" Donnie asks, there's a loud voice coming from the phone he covers it in hopes of muffling the voice but you think you hear the words '(Y/N)?... Like her.' You ignore the last part.

"I'd love to meet them." You say happily trying to get rid of the awkwardness of just a few minutes ago.

"She said yes, I'll see you back home." Donnie says hanging up the phone, he makes the gesture to follow him, you follow as you two continue in silence.

You can't believe that you almost did that, not because he's a mutant, but because this only your second time having face to face contact. You almost gave away your first kiss, its sad, you know, your nineteen and you still haven't had your first kiss. You watch the back of Donnies shell though he doesn't have the back muscles to look at, you can still look at his biceps pretty clearly, watching them flex with nervousness, you should really stop staring though, he's your friend and this not the way friends admire friends, 'As long as it from a far its not bad, now is it.' you think to yourself deviously.

You two finally get to an alleyway and jump down looking around then Donnie opens the manhole and lets you in first. You jump in with all the grace you could muster, you move to the side and wait for Donnie, he gets down and continues to lead you, the silence is killing you honestly, you move u to the side of him and start to walk backwards.

"So how long have you been in the sewers?" You ask him.

"All my life so nineteen years." He says simply as you continue to walk backwards but you step in front of him.

"Lets not make this awkward," You say crossing your arms.

"Make what awkward?" Donnie says simply and shrugs.

"Don't be dumb, you know what I'm talking about, if want to we can just forget about it." You say, not really wanting to forget about it.

"I think that would be best." He gives me a small smile, I smile back.

"And you said you didn't know what I was talking about." You say walking by his side punching his shoulder.

"I have no idea what your talking about." He says smugly, you just laugh at him. "Okay we're close are you ready?"

"More than I'll ever be." You say mumbling entering the lair.




Okay so I made you guys a little bit pathetic but hey I'm 15-16 and I havent even come into contact with a guy. So I made you guys in college sorry about that, but you love me anyways! Any-whore I hope you enjoyed this next chapter you'll meet Donnies brothers, and let me just say Good Luck To You Sir. *Salutes and falls into darkness*

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