Ch.15: Meet The Parents

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"Run like hell, run like hell, run like hell." You say as you and Donnie sprint out of his lab as something explodes in there.

It's January and you have six months to go before you finish your second year in college and then your done, since your doing Junior college. Your resolution this year was to have your family meet Donnie and to see them more often. They had come into town for the week and you had everything set and plan for them to meet him. There was only one flaw, Donnie doesn't know.

"Whew, that was a close one." Donnie says as you both get up from the ground.

"Yeah," you dusting yourself off, "hey AD wanna go out tonight?" You ask him.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" Donnie asks as you two walk back into the lab to clear out the smoke.

"Oh I don't know? See a movie, go out to eat, meet my parents," you mumble, "ice skating,-" continue talking until Donnie cuts you off.

"Woah what?" He stops your actions as you look at him.

"What? Ice skating? It's not to cold out for you because we can always go Roller-"

"No, not that, the other thing about meeting your parents!" Donnie says panicked.

"Oh that? Well I was just wondering, because their in town this week and I already made plans and they've been just dying to meet you!" You says excited.

"Wait, how long had this been planned?"

"Two weeks?" You say unsurely.

"Two weeks! You've been planning this for two weeks and you didn't even tell me?!" Donnie says more panicked.

"Well, yes but We've been busy." You say in defense

"With what?" He asks as he looking at you like your crazy.

"With- nothing, but why do you care, you said you wanted to meet them!"

"Yeah, but a warning would have been nice!" Donnie yells, putting his face in his hand.

"Come on Donnie, it's not like I'm telling you right before you meet them." You say reassuringly, petting his arm.

"Your right, your right, when do we meet them." Donnie smiles down at you.

"We meet them at six at , Oh I'm so excited!" You yell as you hug Donnie and jump around. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Okay, my moms name is (Y/M/N) and my dad's name is (Y/D/N), but don't call them that until the okay, so you must call them Sir and Mam', my mom will have you call her by her name but continue to call my dad sir. Capichè?" You ask as you straighten Donnie.

"Capichè." He says smiling going into kiss you but you put a finger in his lips.

"I would so kiss you right now, but that's another rule no physical contact, but hand holding is an exception." You say patting his head as you grab his hand pulling him with you into the restraunt.

You look for a while before you spot your parents, then they see you and Donnie, waving you guys over. As you walk over everything is in slow motion, your heart is pounding a mile a minute, your parents are getting up and smiling, you feel yourself squeeze Donnie's hand your own smile forming, everything is slow.

"Hi honey." Your mom says, bringing everything back to normal.

"Mom." You give her a hug, then your dad. "Daddy." You smile happy to finally see them again.

"Oh look at you." Your dad says pinching your cheeks to get on your nerves. "You've grown."

"Dad, stop it." You say giggling. "I want you guys to meet my boyfriend Donatello or Donnie." You say gesturing towards Donnie.

"Hello Sir." Donnie says as your dad shakes his hand firmly, he looks a little nervous to you.

"Mam'." Donnie turns to your mom holding out his hand, but your mother brings him into a hug.

"Just call me mom." She says.

"Mom!" You say shocked.

"What?" She asks oblivious, you give her the look saying shut up! "Oh I was just playing with him," she pinches his cheek, "call me (Y/M/N)." She says as you all sit down.

"So Donatello," your dad starts, "tell me about yourself." 'Uh, oh.' You think to yourself.

"He has three brothers and his father, he's the same age as me, he also has an I.Q. of 175." You say for him.

"How wonderful." Your mother looks at him. "But what about your mother?" She asks.

"They don't have a mother she died after she gave birth to Mikey, the youngest."

"Oh how sad I'm sorry deary." She says looking at Donnie.

"It's fine." Donnie gives her a small nod.

"So do you two live together?" Your mother says looking over at him.

"Yes we do." You answer.

"What's your job?" She asks.

"I-" You interrupt him.

"He works at Murakami's, it's a small Asian place, it's great food." You answer for him.

"Well for someone with such intelligence as your self, why work there." Your father asks.

"He-" Your about to answer, but Donnie interrupts you this time putting his hand on the table signaling you to stop.

"Because it's a little place and the owner, Murakami, does need the help, were the only two who work there." Donnie says, even though you and him both know that Murakami is perfectly capable.

"Well that's very sweet of you." Your mother says.

You smile at your parents then at Donnie as you hold your hand with him.

"Oh my goodness!" Your mother says in delight. "Why didn't you tell me you were engaged! And you kept it a secret!" You look confused and shocked as you look down at your hand and see Donnie's promise ring.

"Oh, no no no mom you have the wrong idea, Donnie gave this to me it's a promise ring, from Christmas." You say quickly before your mother could faint.

"Oh," she says slightly disappointed, "well I guess that's a good thing, cause if you got engaged with out telling me I would've been very upset." She says laughing lightly as your father looks up from his menu at Donnie.

"I wouldn't ask to marry your daughter without permission." Donnie says.

"You don't have to do that." Your mother says.

"Oh but I have to it's respectful, it what we do in my family." Donnie says smiling.

"Oh sweet Donnie." You say squeezing his hand tighter.

"May I take your order?" The waitress comes over.

The night continues as your parents asked him questions and you answering a few more for him. Then eventually dinner was over and you had to say good bye. Donnie was walking you back home.

"So do you ever think about our future?" You ask him as you hold hands swinging your hands.

"Well yeah," he blushes, "sometimes when I'm doing nothing imparticular." He says looking down.

"Really? What do you think about?" You ask, looking up at him.

"The way I'd propose, you in a gown, having children." He smiles.

"How many?" You ask squeezing his hand tighter.

"Two, I want twins." He says smiling, you laugh a little.

"I would like that some day." You say coming closer to him, holding his arm.

~Authors Note~

Aw! Future! How'd ya like it, I don't know how your parents would act, I'm sure as heck that my parents wouldn't act that way!

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