Ak=Akko Am=Amanda
I have decided to post a new story a bit early and make it longer than my usual chapters.
Amanda POV
Ak begins to hop of ahead of me, "Slow down, we don't want you getting even more hurt." I say jogging over to her. "No, speed up." Ak says not slowing down, "So, where do we go first? As in, like, far or close?" I say looking around, "Stay close to camp just in case. So, lets talk.". I continue taking in our surroundings whilst I thought about a subject we could talk about, maybe about our plan to get out of here. "So what are we gonna do, you know, to get out of this place." I say as we stop taking a eat on a rock nearby, "I was thinking that we just gather our supplies, I will build a sled then we can head off in any direction we feel is best. So, what do you think of that idea?" Ak replies. I sit there dumbfounded at how she had thought out this question in a large amount of detail... It was quite cute to be honest. "Wow... That was amazing, I like that plan. You are amazing." I reply staring at her with wide eyes, she smiles and begins to blush.
Akko POV
Me and Am stand up and begin to search the vast forest that surrounds our temporary campsite, the trees that cover the land around us were beautiful, lush green leaves and a light shade of brown for the bark of the tree, with beautiful tall grass and bushes with various different flowers covering them. It made a surprisingly bright scene for an area where the sun was mostly blocked by the large trees, the forest was full of different wildlife from small, cute rabbits to large deer who roam about without a care in the world. But the most breathtaking sight in this forest is the amazing woman right next to me. I begin to unconsciously smiling and staring at Am.Unluckily for me she notices, "Hey, what you looking at?!"She says raising her voice slightly, "Uhm I-I aeh s-sorry..." I stutter out in both fear and embarrassment.
Amanda POV
"I'm just kidding with you calm down, cutie." I say hoping to mess with her mind, "O-Okay." She squeaks out with a bright blush forming on her cheeks, 'Mission accomplished' I whisper to myself under my breath, "W-What was that Amanda?" Ak says, "Nothing. Anyway I have spotted a hill over there lets check it out and see if it can provide a good vantage point." I say but notice that Ak is still flustered. "Sure, but I might struggle a little as it will be my first time going up a hill in crutches and it happens to be a steep one as well." Ak says as she stares up at the hill that is about a story tall but has a steep incline. "It's ok I can carry you if you want or I could help you up, your choice" I say as I look over to Ak. "I don' want to wear you out but could you carry me, knowing me I will get too enthusiastic and fall." Ak says giving me her puppy eyes, "You're too cute, how could I say no to that face." I say smirking at her.
I pick up Ak and she holds onto me with 1 arm, with her other arm holding her crutches. I start to walk up the hill but cant help but stare at Ak as she wraps her arm around my neck tighter in fear of being dropped "Please don't drop me Amanda." Ak says as I walk up the steep hill, which isn't high but is extremely steep, making me struggle and almost fall a couple of times. I don't answer but continue walking up but at the same time focusing on Ak, ''She's so cute when scared.'' I think to myself, once we reach the top I notice that I was unconsciously leaning towards her when we were walking up the hill. I grabbed her chin and pulled her to face me, I leaned in and pushed my dry lips onto hers drawing us into a long passionate kiss, after a second Ak began to kiss me back. It was a long and sweet kiss, Ak dropped her crutches on the ground and wrapped her other arm around my neck, deepening the kiss.
After a minute we pulled away from each other, both breathless. I smile at her and she smiles back, I continue to hold her as we both look around at the view, "Incredible, who would've thought it was that great of a view up here.", I say. We continue to look around at the view until, "Hey, look. It's the academy!" Ak shouts relieve that we found it. "I smile at her enthusiasm and look at it, I notice that it would only be about a 2 hour walk but remember that Ak is injured, "I would say that it is about a 5 hour walk with your injury, do you want to head back to camp and get supplies or head forward so we get there sooner and you get medical treatment and a comfortable cast for your leg?" I say, "I say we go straight there and rest halfway there." With that we grab Ak's crutches and head down the hill.
Once we reach the bottom I put Ak down and we head towards Luna Nova. It was a long and annoying walk but we are willing to take it. We walking it was like an amazing nature tour but in a pure and untouched area that didn't even have roads. We were surrounded by trees, bushes and flowers on all sides. It looked stunning, but every now and then I would look at Ak and think about how strong she is for getting up after a big injury and pushing forward.
This carried on for a while when we made it about half way when we decided to take a break and lay down. Ak laid down first, I laid down next to her and Ak cuddled into my side, a blush on her face as she smiled up at me. I just had a smirk on my face and flicked her nose, she began to giggle at me, which made me smile, a genuine smile. We stayed like that for a few minutes, until Ak said "I think we need to tell the others when we get back, like as soon as we see them. But lets go to the medical room first then we tell them once they come to visit us.", "I agree, it has been a couple of days since we went missing they are probably worried about us." I say as I smile down at Ak as she cuddled into my chest.
But... in reality I was extremely nervous but I would never tell Ak that, she would not let me hear the end of that.
Sorry for the short delay, I was unable to post yesterday.

She's perfect - AmandaxAkko
RomanceThis is a fanfic about Amanda and Akko as they become closer than ever before.