Hello, it has been a while (Sorry for that) but I have decided that I am not going to be ending this story. This means I am officially am going to continue writing this story, at least for as long as possible. Also I will not be uploading in a routine, sometimes it may be a week or two before an upload or a few days before an upload. Anyway on that note let us begin.
Amanda POV
It was the crack of dawn when I awoke with Aks head softly snuggled into my chest, just seeing her made me smile, that was the type of effect she had on me, her simple presence made me smile. It's amazing how whenever she is happy it makes me happy and when she is sad it makes me sad, and whenever she is angry I just beat up the person who made her angry. I would do anything to keep her safe and happy. I then remembered that me and her haven't even had a date yet so I think I want to show her how much I love her when we get back with a very special date.
I stared down at her in awe as I watched her breathe at a steady and constant rate, it was almost time for us to get going so I decided to wake her up now instead of then. I continued to lay there wondering how to wake her up when I got the perfect idea on how to do that. I began to lean down towards her face and connected our lips together, she woke up with a shocked expression at first but then she closed her eyes and leaned into the kiss and reciprocated it.
After a long and calming make out session we pulled apart and she smiled at me nervously which caused me to smirk at her, "That was a pleasant surprise to wake up to, I could get used to that." She said. "I agree. But anyway it is time for us to get up and ready to leave for our final trek back to Luna Nova, and to get you some medical help before your leg gets worse with you walking on it all the time." I say in a serious tone as we begin to stand with me holding her up, "Don't worry my leg will be fine, I will be fine especially with you beside me." Ak says cheerfully. With that we continued along the path we had set out on towards the Luna Nova academy.
Akko POV
Me and Am set off towards Luna Nova, this made me happy but also sad, this is because us returning means that me and Am will have less time alone with each other. But of course, don't get me wrong I am happy about going back and seeing all our friends and telling them about us but still. Anyway I quite enjoyed the walk to Luna Nova I can look around and admire the scenery and beauty of nature. There were flowers everywhere as well as large but magnificent trees. I was also able to get a few sneaky looks at Ams body...
Or so I thought, "You know its rude to stare." She says out of the blue, catching me by surprise. "H-How... I m-mean I don't know what your talking about!" I say to 'Cover my Tracks'. But it failed terribly. "You're my girlfriend now you know, you don't have to hide it, to be honest I always check you out." She says nonchalantly, which causes me to blush heavily out of embarrassment but fake laugh it off. "How much longer till we arrive do you think?" I ask, "Not long. Roughly 5 or so minutes... Want to rest?" Am replies, "No, I'm fine I was just wondering." I say.
Amanda POV
5 or so minutes later
"Hey Ak, do you see that, we're here!" I says excitedly. "Finally we made it!!" She screams in delight and exhaustion. "Now lets get you to the infirmary pronto. Come here and let me carry you there." I say in a strong but happy voice. "Fine, but know I won't like being carried. Actually scratch that, carry me so I don't have to walk." Ak says playfully. I proceed to pick Ak up and we quickly jog towards the outside emergency infirmary door (Don't think it is a thing but lets say it ), I make it to the door and barge in and see a few teachers and students inside talking about where to search, "Hey, looking for us?!" I say and walk towards the teachers, they all look at us shocked and just stare at us, "Hey stop staring and help, we think she broke her ankle so can someone do something!!!" I shout at them angrily for doing nothing to help this hurt beauty in my arms. At my shouts for help the teachers rush over to us and guide us to a medical bed whilst the students run off to tell the others of our arrival.
"Hey we have 2 beds here can both of you sit down while we check for other injuries and help her ankle." Professor Chariot says calmly, "I'm fine focus on her." I say stubbornly, "Ok but I insist, take a seat please." She replies, "Help her or so help me God I will get angry... She is the hurt one NOW HELP HER!!" I reply in rage. Professor Chariot stares at me in shock before backing away towards Ak. I lock eyes with Ak and instantly calm down and melt underneath her calm gaze and smile.
After a while the teachers are done with Ak and leave to go to there classes, as soon as they leave I climb into bed with Ak and hold her close to me, it's almost time to tell the others, they should be here any second now." I say and as soon as I say that they burst into the room but stop dead in there tracks and look at the sight in front of them, me and Ak snuggling into each others bodies, Sucy is the first to speak up "Was there another Cupid bee or something?". I glare daggers at her which are so sharp they scare Sucy (that's right Sucy, the most "Couldn't care" person in the world), "No, but we do need to talk about... this." Ak says whilst motioning to me and her.
We then went on to explain the last week to the girls before us. It went quite well, but it was quiet for a while after. Then Sucy speaks up again "So... Have you Done It yet?". Me and Ak blush a bright shade of red and shake our heads no whilst Lotte hits Sucy round the back of the head.

She's perfect - AmandaxAkko
Roman d'amourThis is a fanfic about Amanda and Akko as they become closer than ever before.