Chapter 6

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Am=Amanda      Ak=Akko


30mins after chapter 5 end.

Amanda POV

"Hey Akko, I got the materials for a small shelter." I said as I approached our camp spot and waved at Ak. "Ok, need any help?" Ak said to me, "Nah, your leg is broken anyway, let me handle this." After about an hour I managed to make a stable shelter (after about 2 trys of course). I look to my right and see Ak watching the clouds fly by, 'Cute...' I thought to myself, "Hey Akko, shelters done... What now?" I said approaching Ak. "Why don't we just sit and talk, you have been working hard all day." Ak replied to me, "Sure, why not." I said as I approached her, I layed down to her left, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, I looked at her as she began to blush once more, each time as cute as the other. "Hey Akko there is no need to worry, we will get out of here soon, but until then you need to rest and heal up." I say wrapping my arms around her waist snuggling up to her, "Hey, Amanda, don't forget that you need to rest too. Even if I am injured I still worry about you, don't exhaust yourself." Ak said as she pushed her face into the crook of my neck. "I love you, Amanda" Ak said which made me blush and smile, "I love you too, Akko." I replied and pulled her closer and kissed her passionately, after that I fell asleep with Ak in my arms.

Akko POV

I snuggled up to Am resting in her arms, she was soon fast asleep, she is so beautiful. I just stayed there for what felt like hours, just taking in her beautiful hair which, ironically, smelled of fresh strawberries. I slowly began to doze off with a smile on my face in the arms of the most beautiful girl in the world...


Sorry for another short chapter but I am struggling to think of what to write. If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments.

Chapter 7 delayed for another week due to exams.

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