This is 4 days after the missile incident (Light spoilers)
Ps: Words like this are a 3rd peson naration
During the incident
(Amandas POV)
'Wow... that was incredible, they have just destroyed the most powerful enemy ever seen... and with style' I thought to myself as I stared in pure amazement and awe.
But I couldn't help but stare at Akko with a strange but calming feeling.'She's incredible and beauti....' I snapped out of my thought as I saw Constanze watching me, wondering why I was frozen in place. "What are you looking at!!" I screamed, throwing constanze out of her thought and tumbling back scared of me. I couldn't help but feel bad for scaring my friend... oh well thats me for ya.4 days later
(Amandas POV)
Over the last few days all I could think about was Akko, her crimson eyes, her hair blowing in the light winds and how... beautiful she was in general. "She is amazing" I accidently mumbled out loud. After a second I noticed what I done, I ran to the bathroom in panic as Constanze and Jasminka stared at me, confused.
I need to control myself, I must keep this a secret from everyone. At least for now... but soon they must know.Over the last few days Akko has been let off of lessons so she could rest after the battle.
I should go and talk to Akko, congratulate her... again but what she did was amazing she deserves to be congratulated mor than once. So I decided to get ready and prepare to leav, obviously I am going to ditch potions class but who cares. I left the bathroom all cleaned and dressed up, I headed past Constanze and Jasminka who were still confused about what had happened before, I left the room without a word or even a look to them. I headed down the hall to Akkos dorm, avoiding Diana once, she always watches me closely. Once I arrived at Akkos dorm I hid down a shadowy area so I could wait for Lotte and Sucy to leave. Even without Akko they still left with 2 minites to get to class, it's fun watching Lotte panic as Sucy walks calmly with not a care in the world. Once the hallways had cleared I snuck into Akkos dorm without a sound, trying not to wake her up. She looks so peaceful and innocent when she sleeps... what am I doing it's weird to watch someone sleep. Then I had a great idea, I snuck directly up to her with my mouth directly next to her ear and shouted "WAKE UP TRY HARD". Akko screamed in horor as she rolled off of her bed. I also fell to the floor holding my stomach as I laughed in pain "That was hilarious!!" I said between laughs, Akko got up and pushed me but she let out a small chuckle afterwards. "Hey Amanda what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in potions class." Akko said after a small laugh. "As if I would go there and miss this opportunity *Laugh*, so how have you been, you haven't left your room since the incident?"," I have been alright. Just sleeping and practicing my magic. Enough about me, how are you and why are you here?" Akko replied, "I am all right just been doing boring old school work, its much more fun when you're there... Anyway I just wanted to congratulate you on what you did and say that you were amazing, you took down something not even all of the teachers could ever do, just WOW!!" I answered."Thanks Amanda, but it's kind of weird hearing you congratulate someone *chuckle* anyway, want some snacks that I have hidden, since your not going to class, we could just hang out for a while" Akko said, with a slight blush on her face, howerver Amanda didn't notice this." Sure why not. Anyway what else have you done since the incident, anything fun?" I asked. "Not really, I just practice my magic and sleep, quite boring... I missed talking with you and the others. All the trouble we got into, you scaring anyone you wanted *chuckle*. Anyway has anything happened while I have been here?" Akko said. "Not really, it's been no fun without you dancing around like a fool, you somehow make everything fun... oh wait, Diana has got back to lessons, she is a lot less stuck up and annoying since what happened. It's quite strange, but she still is the teachers pet *laugh* as always." I laughed
Akko POV
I just laughed but in reality I hadn't heard what Amanda had said, I was distracted by something, but I don't know what. "Anyway, what should we talk about" I said trying to focus. "Don't know... ooh ooh, I know lets play truth or dare" Amanda said. "Great idea, lets play!" I replied.————————————————————
Chapter 2 will be out soon stay prepared.823 Words

She's perfect - AmandaxAkko
RomantikThis is a fanfic about Amanda and Akko as they become closer than ever before.