Chapter 1: Google Interview

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You make me feel like, I've been locked out of heaven!

Veronica groaned as she rolled over in her bed. She hit the snooze button and glanced at the time. Her eyes widened at the time as she jumped out of bed to get ready.

It was 9:30 am and she had a life changing interview at 10 o'clock. She quickly got ready and grabbed her laptop before running to her kitchen to prepare a quick breakfast. She placed her laptop down on her table before pouring herself a bowl of cereal and went to grab some milk from the fridge. But to her disappointment, she didn't have any milk left.

Groaning again she sadly dumped her cereal back into the box and grabbed a granola bar out of the pantry. She took her spot at her kitchen table and logged onto her laptop. She opened Google up and logged into her account, checking her emails as she waited for the time to pass.

Glancing at the time on her computer, the clock read 9:58 AM. Only two minutes left until my interview. Okay, Veronica. Keep calm and you will ace this interview. Be confident.

Suddenly, it was time.

Veronica looked at her computer screen to a video request box pop up. She accepted the call. She waited patiently until two interviewers popped up on her screen. A woman and a man.

"Hello there." the man greeted Veronica.

Veronica gave a small wave to the webcam. "Hello."

"Are you Veronica Campbell?" the woman asked. Veronica nodded. "Yes I am."

"I'm Benjamin." "I'm Allison."

Veronica smiled. "Nice to meet you two."

Benjamin smiled. "You too."

"Okay, let's focus on the interview." Allison said as she gathered up Veronica's files and looked over it. "You are currently a student at Yale, right?" "Yes, I am. After this summer, I will be a senior." "Wow! You're almost done." Benjamin spoke as Veronica nodded.

"Okay, we're gonna ask you some weird questions some of our candidates find a it odd." Allison said. Veronica chuckled. "Let's get weird, then."

"You're shrunken down to the size of nickles and dropped into a blender. What do you do?" Benjamin asked as he and Allison waited for Veronica's answer.

"That is an odd question," Veronica admitted but shook her head to get back on track. "I've actually been in a blender myself. When I was six years old, my parents got a divorce and I ended up getting dragged into a bitter custody battle. I ended up with my mom and I haven't been in contact with my dad for about," Veronica let out a breath. "...fourteen years."

Benjamin and Allison's eyes widened as Veronica continued.

"I didn't waste my entire life wondering what my life would be like with him in it. Instead I focused on my studies and graduated from high school early. If I didn't set up a goal for myself, I probably wouldn't be as smart and driven as I am right now. I got myself out of the blender when my family decided to split up."

"Thank you for your time. We'll send you an email to let you know if you did or did not get the internship." said Allison. "Have a great day Veronica." Benjamin said.

"Thank you and you too."

The video chat ended and Veronica let out a sigh of relief that the interview was over. She thought she did well.

Now, she just needed to wait for the email from Google on whether or not she got the internship that could potentially start her career in Computer Science.

[Published and Edited 2/16/17]

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