Chapter 14 // Missing Halves

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*Alex's P.O.V.*

After the previous shock and excitement of our unexpected reunion with Gally, he had taken Newt and Thomas somewhere and Keith had decided to lead us to our rooms.

I was so exhausted, that I was no longer able to pay any attention to my surroundings. My feet moved on their own and every hallway we walked down turned into a blurred tunnel of cold, cracked concrete. It seemed like an eternity before we stopped in front of a rusty door — even though it had only been a few minutes.

"Robin, this is your room," Keith said, curtly glancing her way when she didn't make a move to enter. Her eyes were glued to the stone-colored, rusty metal door and I could hear her grind her teeth as she clenched her jaw.

"We'll do what we can to get your friend back, ya know," Keith added awkwardly. Robin still didn't respond. I glanced at Keith, locking eyes with him.

"Right," he cleared his throat, uncomfortably stepping away from the three of us. "I'll be right down the hall."

Both Scarlett and I turned to our gloomy-looking friend.

"I get it," Scarlett nodded. "You're worried you won't get to help Minho — that you won't get him back."

"Robin?" I asked concerned, gently placing my hand on her shoulder.

Robin raised her head and stared at us, her stoney expression unwavering. She swallowed hard before she turned her gaze away from us, shaking her head no.

"No," she stated blatantly.

"Robin, it's okay if you miss him," I tried to comfort her. "We're all trying to get him back."

"We will get him back," Scarlett added reassuringly. I wasn't sure if she was only trying to convince Robin or herself of that.

"Y-you don't under-" Robin began.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we should probably get you two to your rooms as well. It's already getting late and I'm needed somewhere else," Keith cut her off.

"Whatever, just go," Robin huffed, quickly slipping into the room before any of us could say another word.

Scarlett and I exchanged another worried glance before we both followed Keith down some more corridors.


As I lay on the cot — alone in the dingy room that Keith had assigned me — I kept thinking about how miserable Robin must be feeling. I didn't know what I'd do if I lost Scarlett or Robin or N- no, I couldn't think about that right now. My friend needed me and I was here wallowing in my own miserable thoughts.

Shaking my head, I used my last bit of strength to will myself to get up and wander out into the hallway, hoping that I would somehow find my way back to Robin's room. A few twists and wrong corridors later, I finally rounded a corner and stumbled into a corridor that I remembered distinctly.

But before I could take another step, I heard the creaking of a door and quickly ducked out of sight. As I peered around the corner again, I saw Robin's form retreating down the hallway.

"Robin?" I called out after her. She spun around at the unexpected sound of my voice echoing through the corridor.

"Where are you going?" I enquired.

"I need to find Thomas and Gally. There's something I need to talk to them about," she replied curtly, turning away from me and continuing on her way.

"I'll come with you," I offered, beginning to walk in order to catch up to her.

"No, I have to this by myself," she insisted bitterly. "You've done enough for one day."

Taken aback by her words, I stood rooted to the ground whilst watching her disappear around a corner. I knew she didn't blame us for what happened to Minho. None of us could've known that WICKED would be waiting for us. She did, however, blame us for not going after WICKED and Minho right away. In a way, I blamed myself too. If only I had stayed with Scarlett: together we might've been able to drag Minho to safety before WICKED got to him. Maybe I should've just let them take me instead of him; then Robin wouldn't be suffering from a somewhat broken heart.

Before I completely lost myself in my feelings of guilt and regret, I decided it was time to go back to my room and get some rest. The day had been exhausting and all these thoughts and emotions were robbing me of my last bit of energy and sanity.

Once I had finally found my way back to my room, the only thing I was still capable of doing was pulling off my shoes, falling onto the cot, and pulling the thin linen sheet over my battered and bruised body before I was pulled into a restless and dreamless sleep.


*Scarlett's P.O.V.*

CLANG. The sound of a heavy entrance door slamming shut ripped me from my sleep. I groaned, rolling onto my other side and squeezing my eyes shut — I didn't want to get up and face the reality of our situation just yet. A few minutes later and I was just about to drift off to sleep again. CLANG! This time the loud and unexpected noise made me bolt upright, the metal cot aching and groaning at my sudden movement.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I cursed, throwing myself back onto the bed, still refusing to actually get up. I really wasn't in the mood to see — let alone talk — to anyone today.

After another hour or so of restlessly tossing and turning in the squeaky cot, I couldn't take it anymore. Crawling out of bed, I timidly got to my feet and stretched my sore limbs. I began to freshen up and, very slowly, I started to feel a little more capable of facing the day.

Knock-knock. Someone was at the door.

"God almighty, I really can't catch a break, can I?" I grumbled slightly aggravated as I made my way to the door.

"Morning, I'm James Hamilton." A dirty-blonde boy, around my age, greeted me awkwardly.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely, but in a tone that still clearly indicated that I didn't really feel like talking.

"They sent me because they weren't sure if they could send anyone else without you shutting them down." He sighed, clearly regretting his honest confession as soon as I let out an annoyed huff and averted my eyes from his.

"What exactly is it that you want from me?" I followed up. I knew why HE was here, but I still didn't know exactly what it was he wanted from me.

"I'm supposed to take you to the main hall for breakfast," he replied quickly.

Ah yes... breakfast. A room full of people and small talk... but also food. It was only now that I realized how absolutely famished I was. Yesterday's events really had taken a toll on me.

"Alright." I sighed reluctantly, stepping out of my room and nodding at him, signaling him to lead the way.

Most of the walk was spent in an uncomfortable silence and consisted of me trying to memorize the way whilst James asked me questions; most of which I answered with a simple yes or no.

"We're here," James announced as we stopped in front of yet another set of rusty double doors. I nodded at him and was about to grab the door handle when James stopped me.

"I know you probably don't feel like talking, especially not to me, but you're always welcome to join my sister and I at our table," he offered sincerely. 

Sitting with James would allow me to avoid the others just a little longer. I knew I had to talk to them —him— at some point but I wasn't ready for that just yet.

"Thank you," I smiled at him gratefully. "After you," I said, holding the door open for him and waiting for him to lead me to the table.


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