Johnny Rose

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I have never understood why we visit graves more than we visit someone in person. We can hardly make the time to see them while they are alive and kicking. But once they kick the bucket, here we stand. Looking at a headstone.
A headstone, that will never talk back. That will never show any kind of emotion. That will never give you a hug when you need it or slap you for doing something stupid.
I didn't know things were going to end up the way they were. But they did. They ended up so wrong. They ended up with me losing a best friend, a mom, and my fucking cat. Putting another friend in the hospital.
I am in university. The first couple of months of freshman year, I stayed close to my best friends and mom. Even my damn cat. By the middle of it, I fell out of place. I fell off the fucking wagon.
I started going to parties and dating this guy. Isn't that how it goes? Seems to be the new trend. After I found out the truth, things changed. He changed. It's funny how things work, you get with someone and they murder everyone around you. Then they come after you. Trends are stupid.
I only wish I could take it all back. Every single moment. Every fucking waste of time I spent on Johnny Rose. He was the first guy I would fall for. Johnny Rose was the classic badass. Too cool for anyone, especially school. Though he was smart. He done whatever and whenever. He even had the look down. Biker boots, broken in leather jacket, plain t-shirts, and black jeans with holes with a douche bag haircut. Let's not forget to mention the tattoos and piercings.
If you can't tell by now, at this point in my life, I am not too fond of Johnny. I despise him. Now, I probably wouldn't piss on him if he was lit on fire. I know I wouldn't. Should I forgive him? I don't want to. That's something I'm trying to work on.
Johnny Rose, started out sweet. He was attentive and cared. Then like a flip of a switch, he went dark. Mean, rotten, and vile. A poison I couldn't escape. When I tried to, it was too late and I lost a lot. But I was not going to let Johnny Rose win. It would be over my dead body.

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