Later That Day

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After my last class of the day, I headed to Ms. Gracin's office. I had to talk to her. I had to let her know that I knew everything.
I knocked on her door. She opened it. She was surprised to see me. "Lilith, is there something I could help you with?"
"May I come in?" She nodded opening her door.
I walked over taking a seat. She went and sat behind her desk. "So, Ms. Robinson, what can I do for you?"
I just looked at her. I knew she knew everything. But what exactly did she think about it?
I swallowed the lump that had been forming in my throat since I started my way to her office. "I know."
Ms. Gracin gave me a confused look. "You know what, Lilith?"
"I know about Johnny. I know his parents aren't dead. I know what happened at his high school. I know about his ex. I know about all of it." I could feel the anger building in me.
I was honestly filled with more emotions than just anger. But now, anger was the biggest. "I am sorry you found out however you found out."
"I don't know what to do. I broke up with him. Because he lied to me. Now, I have no clue what to do." I started to cry.
Ms. Gracin gave me a box of tissues. "I am so sorry. I know it must be difficult to hear all those things about Johnny."
I gave her a look. Did she not believe it was true? "You don't sound like you believe any of it?"
"I know his parents are alive. I know he went to the mental hospital. But about his ex, I don't know if he done it or not." She sounded so monotoned.
I put the tissues on her desk. "I don't know if I should believe him or believe what everyone else said. That is the hard part."
"Has he tried to talk to you since you broke up with him?" She had her pad and pen out taking notes.
I shook my head. "No. I don't want to see him. He lied to me about important things. How can I trust him?"
"I know it will be hard. But maybe you can try. Communication is key." She smiled at me.
That was it, I had enough. "Thanks."
I got up to leave. "Are you done talking?"
"Yes." I opened the door and left.
I couldn't stay there and listen to her bullshit. Communication is key. Who did she think I was? How old did she think I was? I communicate better than a couple who had been married for fifteen years. I wasn't some naïve little girl.
But to deal with everything, I was going to have to find an escape. I knew drugs wasn't the answer. But I wanted them. I needed to feel something other than all this bullshit.
I walked outside to head to Oliver's truck to wait on him. Johnny was sitting on the bench under the big oak tree. He was watching for me to come out. As soon as he saw me, he got up walking over to me.
"Can we talk?" The darkness was still on his face.
"I don't want to talk." My face fell.
He hugged me. "I am so sorry. I never wanted you to find out this way. I would have told you the truth. I was just afraid if you found out, you'd leave me."
I felt defeated. I hugged him back. "I still don't know if I want to be with you or not."
He let go. "I understand. I just don't want you to leave me."
"Johnny, I need space. I need time to think." I sat on the bench.
Johnny sat beside me. "That sounds like you're leaving."
I heard the hurt and anger in his voice. "I'm not leaving Johnny. I just need fucking time to think."
I went to get up and leave. He grabbed my arm. "You aren't going to leave."
"Johnny, you're hurting me." I tried to break free of his grip.
"I'm not going to let you go. I am in love with you Lilith. It is going to be you and me forever." He tried to kiss me.
I backed away. "Go away Johnny."
He grabbed me by the throat. "Did you just not hear what I said? You aren't leaving. It's you and me forever, baby."
"I can't breathe." I choked.
Just then, Oliver shouted behind me. "Hey! Let go of her!"
Johnny let go and back off. Oliver was over by myside. I was holding my throat. "Are you okay Lili?"
"I just want to go home." Oliver helped me in his truck.
I saw him walk over to Johnny. "You leave her the fuck alone. She doesn't want you around. If you love her, you'll give her time and space."
Johnny had a vicious smirk. "Fuck you. She is mine."
Oliver got in Johnny's face. "She isn't a fucking piece of property."
Johnny got on his motorcycle. "She is mine. Nothing you or anyone else can do about that."
He rode off leaving Oliver standing there. Oliver had his fist clenched so tight, his knuckles were white. He came around his truck and got in.
"What happened?" I asked rubbing my neck.
"He is a piece of shit, that's what happened." Oliver took off out of the parking lot.

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