The Next Day

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I was upset about Peach and still wasn't cleared to go to school. I sat in my window all night. I didn't move. I was watching to see if Johnny would ever come by. But no motorcycle.
I went to doze off, when mom came in. "Honey, have you been there all night?"
I stretched. "No, just couldn't really sleep."
"There is breakfast down here. If you want it. I am going to town later; would you like to come with me?" She was sitting on my bed.
I got up going to my closet. "Yeah, I will go with you."
After breakfast, we headed out to town. I could with stand this, I think. No one really knew I was in rehab. The only ones that did, was Piper, Oliver, mom, Fox, and Ms. Gracin. Oh, and the teachers and headmaster at school.
Mom went into the drugstore to get my medicine. See the thing with being on drugs and coming off them, you must be put on drugs to cope and get weaned off them. I also had to take pills for my anxiousness and sleep. I felt like I had gone crazy since breaking up with Johnny.
But what was crazy, was him stalking me and killing my cat. I was looking around, when I spotted him. I laid the seat back and peaked out the window. He was standing up against the drugstore wall.
When mom came out, he ambushed her. Mom stopped, I could tell she was angry and annoyed. I had no idea what they were saying.
. . .
"You need to leave Johnny." Ms. Robinson was holding onto the bags tight as she could.
Johnny sighed, he was holding a rose. "Please, Ms. Robinson. I just want to see her. I want to know if she is okay."
Ms. Robinson took a step back when Johnny took a step forward. "She doesn't want to see you. Don't you understand. She is done. She doesn't want to be with you."
Johnny's face went instantly pissed. He threw the rose down."We will see about that."
. . .
Mom came over to the car and got in. She was furious. I leaned the seat up. "I am sorry mom."
She took a deep breath. "Sweetheart, it's not your fault."
As we left, I saw Johnny get into an old gray 1972 Chevy truck. I ducked down so he wouldn't see me. I hated hiding.
Mom took my hand. "I have some good news for you."
"What?" I squeezed her hand.
She looked over at me. "You are cleared to go back to school. You start Monday."
"Oh, thank goodness. I miss it. I am ready to get back on track. I can't wait. Does Piper and Oliver know?" I was so excited.
"They don't know. When we get home, why don't you call them up?" She looked over at me, patting my leg.
I helped mom with the groceries when we got home. After putting them up, I called Oliver and Piper, telling them the good news. They were so excited. Oliver said he would pick us all up including Fox.
While I was detoxing in rehab, Piper and Fox had made it official. I was so happy for them when I found out. Piper deserved a good guy. Fox was wonderful and smart. He was on her level that was for sure. If we ever needed to escape to another country, we knew who to go to; too. Fox was up for that, when I had mentioned it. He said he would help in any way he could.
When I called Piper, I asked her to come and sleepover all weekend. I needed my best girlfriend. I hadn't spent time with her in what felt like a lifetime. She happily agreed to come.

Johnny Rose (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now