The Weekend

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Everything was going great. Mom, Piper, and I were having so much fun. We planned a movie night and had all kinds of junk food.
Nothing could have touched me this weekend. It all felt good, like I was finally getting into a good place. Piper even saw it. We talked and cried then that was that.
She was so worried about me when I was on cocaine and with Johnny. She told me she didn't know who I was when I was on it. I remembered some stuff. But not a lot. I knew I was mean. I didn't like that person. I was never mean. I always tried to be nice and kind to anyone I met.
I didn't talk much and looked mad most of the time. Which was a reason I only had two friends. They understood me, others would have gotten annoyed with me. I didn't mind having only two friends. At least I had two that gave a shit and was there. Instead of having a ton of friends that only cared about themselves and were never there.
Since things had been a lot about Johnny and I, I made sure the weekend was about Piper. I done her makeup and played dress up. It probably sounds silly for some people our age. But we needed the fun. I needed to show my best friend, that I was there and still cared about her too.
When Sunday rolled around, we slept mostly. A day of resting was in need before school started back Monday. We got up to eat and use the bathroom. Other than that, we stayed in bed. Talking about Fox, mostly.
"Fox is amazing Lili." Piper covered her face with the blanket.
I laughed. "I am sure he thinks you are too. He was all for it when he first met you."
"I know. He gives me this feeling I have never felt with any other guy before." She put her hand on her stomach.
I poked her nose. "Someone is in love."
"Please, Piper Willow Morgan doesn't fall in love." She bit her lip, trying to hide her face.
"Whatever. You love him." I took the ball laying on the nightstand, throwing it at the basketball net.
It went in. "Why do you have that thing?"
"Oliver. He was here a lot after things happened and before that, he was here a lot. He loves sports. So, I put it up for him for when he is laying here listening to all my boring stories." I shrugged.
Piper huffed. "Right. That's the only reason."
I looked at her. "What are you saying?"
She leaned up on her elbow looking down at me. "You do know that he likes you, right?"
"No way. He is my best friend. We have all been best friends since grade school." I sat up.
Piper got in front of me. "No, you have been best friends with him since grade school. When high school came, he was in love with you. Even now, when all this Johnny stuff happened."
I pouted. "I didn't know the stuff with Johnny was going to happen. I would have gone with Oliver, but he never said anything."
Piper smiled. "I knew it. You like Oliver."
I shot my head up to look at her. "How could anyone not? He is a great guy. He is sweet and he knows what he wants. He has ambitions and goals."
"God, I told Oliver to go for it. He should have gone for it." She shook her head.
"Yeah, maybe if he did, I wouldn't be in this position." I waved my hands around.
"It'll be okay Lilith." She hugged me.

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