Mom & Piper's Funerals

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The next few days were hell. We first had mom's funeral. I wasn't going to do a funeral. But Oliver convinced me. I even had his parents to help with it. There was no way I could have done it by myself.
Fox insisted that his family pay for both mom and Piper's funeral. He said that he had to do something. His parents agreed. They said Fox had never had such close friends before that accepted who he was. They wanted to help in every way possible.
Instead of a speech at mom's funeral. I made a power point that would play the whole time during the viewing. It was going to be hard to say a mini speech at the burial.
Everyone who knew her came. They would hug me and say they would pray for me and their condolences were with me. If it wasn't for Oliver and Fox, I wouldn't have made it through. I would have just left as soon as I showed up.
They stood by me the whole time. Never taking their eyes off me. They were being such amazing friends.
When we got to mom's burial, I got a glance of Johnny's truck. I was disgusted that he was even anywhere around. I wanted to get rid of him. I wanted him to pay for all of it.
. . .
The next day was Piper's funeral. Oliver and I were there the whole time for Fox and her parents. Anything they needed, we done it.
Fox was tore up. Even though Mr. and Mrs. Morgan didn't know him that well, Piper had talked about him a lot to them when they were together. They had made him, Oliver, and I sit with the family.
They had a preacher who knew Piper since she was younger to speak. His words were beautiful. Everyone around me for the last couple of days had cried their eyes out. I didn't really shed a tear.
It wasn't because I wasn't sad. I was just numb and felt more rage than anything. I had had enough. I was waiting for Johnny to mess up or do something else.
After Piper's burial; Oliver, Fox, and I got in Oliver's truck and went to the beach. We didn't know where else to go. Oliver bought some alcohol and we sat on the beach, drinking.
"How are we going to get him?" Fox asked.
I looked over at him. He still had tears going down his face. "We have enough evidence from the files and screen shots of his room. But I feel like the police and investigator Mitchell will want more than just like that."
Just then investigator Mitchell came up. "Hello, kids."
He was a bit tipsy. "Did you drive here?"
He pointed to the docks. "A cab."
"Sit, stay awhile." Fox patted the sand.
"What are you guys talking about?" He plopped down.
Only me would speak to that. "Johnny Rose."
"What about him?" Investigator Mitchell looked at me.
"We are trying to figure out a way to get him. It's going to be hard. His parents will take his side. To protect his reputation. But we have some stuff on him and maybe we can catch him in the act or something." I threw back the alcohol.
"Do you have hard evidence?" Investigator Mitchell took out a flask.
We all three looked at one another. Then to him. He was looking at us. "What?"
Fox got up. "We have something to show you. But you can't get me in trouble for it. I done it to help."
"Well let's go." Investigator Mitchell got up.
Oliver stood up. "Who's going to drive? We have all been drinking."
Fox held up a hand. "Hold on, I've got this."
He took out his phone, putting it to his ear. "Yes, James, can you come get my friends and I. We are at the beach."
Fox put his phone back in his pocket. "James will be on his way. Let's head up to the docks."
When we made it to the docks, I saw his truck. I tugged on Oliver's sleeve. "Johnny is here."
He went to look. I grabbed his face, making him look at me. "Don't. If he sees you looking at him, he will take off. I have a plan but you have to let me explain."
I made them all gather in a causal circle. "Okay, investigator Mitchell, when Oliver gets in his truck, I need you to call some police officers and tell them that Johnny is after Oliver."
Oliver put his hand on my arm to stop me. "How is he going to be after me? I don't think I like this."
"I know, I don't like it either. But we have to do something." I kissed his cheek. "Now, you call the police, tell them to be looked for a 1972 gray Chevy truck following a new black Ford. But you can't call until Oliver takes off. When we get to Fox's house, we will get the evidence."
They all nodded. I took Oliver by the hand leading him over to his truck. "Listen, Johnny may end up running you off the road or something else. I am sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?" Oliver looked confused.
"Because you are going to get hurt. I know you will, probably even in the hospital. But we must do this. We have to get him and put him away."  I hugged him.
He hugged me back. "I will do whatever to get justice for you, your mom, and Piper."
I closed my eyes to those words. "Thank you."
James was pulling up. "Make sure you check your brakes before you get out on the highway. You back up and then brake. I will see you soon."
"You didn't tell me how we were going to get him to come after me." Oliver ran his hand through my hair.
"Like this." I reached up pulling his face towards me. I kissed him. Wrapping my arms around him really getting into the kiss. I wanted Johnny to be pissed. I wanted him to see that I had someone who was better and good.
When I let go, Oliver's eyes were hooded. "Okay, I have to go now."
He shook his head. I walked off turning back around. "Oliver."
He turned to look at me. "I love you."
He grinned. "I love you too.

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