The Next Day

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I was going through withdrawals. Mom thought it was the flu and insisted she stay home. But I wouldn't let her. Every few minutes I had to throw up. The cold sweats and pain was the worse. I felt like I was on my death bed.
The only thing I had to comfort me, was my cat. She laid with me the whole time. Not once moved to get food or use the bathroom. I guess she knew I was in a lot of pain.
By the end of the day, I finally felt a bit better. I took a bath but still couldn't eat anything. When mom came home that night, she was worried.
"Are you sure you don't need to go to the doctor?" She felt of my forehead.
I wanted to cry. But if I cried then I'd have to tell her everything. "I am okay. I just need more sleep."
"Alright. Just yell if you need anything."
I passed out as soon as she left the room. I really hoped I was better by the morning. I had to be.
I was also hoping I didn't have to see much of Johnny. I couldn't take it. I love him and all this just makes everything worse. If only he told the truth, then maybe it wouldn't be like this.
I wouldn't have left like I did. I wouldn't have meet his parents like I did. None of the bullshit would be happening.

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