Parking Lot

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Piper came out of the building storming mad. You could tell she was about to burst. She marched over to us, bulldozing her way through everyone.
"I am going to lose it in speech and debate. The teacher is unbelievable. He let some ass take my topic. It's only the first day and guys are already having the upper hand." She leaned against Oliver's truck.
Oliver and I looked at each other and smirked. Piper was power hungry. She wanted to have what she wanted and if it didn't happen, she was a tiger. When the things she wanted went to guys, it was worse.
"I am sure you can come up with a better topic. You are smart Piper." I rubbed her arm.
Oliver leaned up against the truck beside her. "Yeah, you can show whoever the guy is up within a matter of minutes in speech and debate. You are Piper Willow Morgan, damn it."
She uncrossed her arms and stood up straight. "You know what. You two are exactly right. I must go take care of something. See you two later."
When she was far enough away, we both started laughing. Piper was a riot. I loved her. When she is determined, she gets shit done. No if, ands, or buts about it.
"What's so funny?" We stopped laughing and looked to who was standing behind the truck.
It was Johnny Rose. Oliver tensed up. I walked to the back of the truck. "Just our friend Piper. She is a determined little thing is all."
Johnny grinned. "You three really close?"
I looked back at Oliver, who was talking to some guys. "Yeah, we have all been friends since middle school. Been and done basically everything together."
He put his hands in his jacket pockets. "Cool. Is that guy your boyfriend?"
I swallowed back a chuckle. "No, we are just friends. He doesn't and wouldn't like me like that."
Johnny looked to Oliver then back to me. "You could have fooled me. I mean he keeps looking back here at us. I am guessing to check on you and make sure the guy who looks like he could take advantage of you, doesn't."
I looked at Oliver, who quickly looked away. I looked back at Johnny. "You most defiantly must be on something because it's not like that. Trust me." 
Johnny shrugged. "Whatever you say Robinson."
He went to walk away. "Hey, wait."
He got on his motorcycle and turned to look at me. "Yes."
"My pen. I let you borrow it." I held out my hand.
He grinned, sighing. He hopped off is motorcycle and walked back over to me. "You really want it back?"
"Yes, I do. You said borrow. You didn't ask to have it." My hand was out waiting for it.
He dug in his pocket. "Here is your borrowed pen back."
I closed my hand around the pen. "Thanks."
I turned around walking back over to Oliver. I left Johnny standing there. "Let's go."
Oliver looked to Johnny then to me. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I am just hungry. Plus, mom will freak if I am late for dinner." I opened to the truck door and got in.
I watched in the mirror while Oliver drove by Johnny. They both looked at one another, jaws tightening. So much testosterone.

Johnny Rose (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now