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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"Afterdark" By Blaqk Audio


Soul mate.

The word sounds so bizarre in my brain as I repeat it over and over yet it seems to fit. It explains why I feel so attached to Gideon though I barely know him. Hell, I don’t even know his middle name. The ridiculousness of my own thoughts made laughter bubble out through my lips. Soon they began taking over and I was crying so hard I was laughing.

It was just too crazy to even be considered.

Gideon being meant to be with me just seemed cruel, well for him anyway.

“Tallulah, what—“

I wipe my eyes and calm my laughter, “That’s some line you got there. I’ll give you that.”

Gideon’s expression is utterly confused, “What are you talking about?”

“Soul mates?” I ask with an incredulous look, “Are you insane? People like me don’t have soul mates, Gideon. Besides how do I know your not just feeding me bullshit?”

“I wouldn’t feed you bullshit.” He frowns deeply, “And what do you mean ‘people like you’?”

I quirk an eyebrow at him, “Do you not remember where you picked me up from? Did you not see what kind of baggage I have?”

Gideon wipes a hand down his face tiredly; “You must really have a poor opinion of me to think that would stop me, Princess.”


He waves his hand cutting me off, “Don’t talk until I’m done doing this stupid declaration stuff then you can react to it, okay?”

I nod warily. Where is he going with this?

Gideon kneels beside the bed taking my hands in his. His amethyst colored eyes look so earnest as they look at me that my heart feels like it’s going to plop out of my chest. When he closes his eyes I take in a deep gust of air, realizing that I hadn’t been breathing. He literally stole my breath away, as cliché as they sounds.

Taking a deep breath he begins, “My name is Gideon Daniel Donovan. I am twenty-two years old. Up to about a year ago I thought I was some freaky orphan that even the devil wouldn’t want. Before I was told about Lila and Edie I was a drug dealer. I could get people to pay the prices I wanted by mind-fucking them or intimidating them. On occasion I even dipped into my merchandise and did it myself to numb the voices in my head all the time.”

I stare at him silently, in shock I think.

“I am a cambion, the half breed son of a demon.” He stops and lets that sink in before beginning again, “I can do things you can’t even imagine if I asked you to guess. I sustain my power and my health by feeding off sexual energy. When I kissed you in the past did you feel…drained? Weak maybe?”

I nod slowly, wide-eyed and a little embarrassed by the term ‘sexual energy’. If I wasn’t so shocked I think I would be the color of a radish.

“That’s me feeding off you aura.” He mutters before looking up at me from under his lashes, “You have a beautiful Aura by the way. It’s this deep royal purple that just seems to make your eyes stand out more. When I first saw it I was stunned by it, it’s a rare color in a human.”

“I’m not human.” I point out quietly.

He lifts my head with a finger under my chin, “Do you hear me complaining?”

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