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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"Every You and Every Me" By Placebo


I’m not surprised to see no one is in the house or that I wasn’t worried about. My father never comes to check on me as long as I’m back by the time dinner is set on the table. Mother is probably still off with her friends spending god knows how much money while screwing her latest tennis instructor. Father has his own indiscretions as well and that’s how they’ve been together for as many years as they have.

Faithfully unfaithful is their marriage method.

As I walk into the kitchen Mrs. Lang suddenly grabs me into a choking bear hug out of nowhere. She smells of roses and baking flour. She pushes me back and inspects me carefully before her eyes widen at the sight of my ripped sweatshirt sleeve. Without warning she yanks down the sleeve and gasps.

“Miss Tallulah, what happened?”

The lie comes out before I can even think about it.

“Some homeless guy’s dog got a little excited in the park last night. It’s really nothing, Mrs. Lang.”

“Theresa.” Mrs. Lang corrects me automatically, “This has been bandaged.”


“Well some guy got the dog off me and helped patch me up. I guess I must have fallen asleep while he was doing it.”

Mrs. Lang quirks a dark eyebrow, “A guy?”

I give her a blank look, “Yes.”

“Was he cute?”

“I wouldn’t know.”

“What do you mean?”

I sigh quietly, “I don’t look at people that way.”

Lies. Lies. Lies.

I used to never look at people that way.

This Gideon guy though…he’s been messing my head up the whole way home. His weird colored eyes have been invading my mind in flashes during my cab ride to the high rise. I can’t stop thinking about how my name sounded when he said it and I can’t stop shivering every time I think about how it felt when he touched me. It’s crazy, it’s insane and it’s right up my alley.

Oh whom am I kidding?

Way out of your league, Tallulah. Way, way out of your league.

“But I’m sure he was dazzled by you, Tallulah.”

I snort in an unlady like way, “Hardly.”

“Well.” Mrs. Lang sighs, “Best go shower and change. Your mother will be back in about two hours. She wants to take you to lunch.”

“The Hightower?” I ask dully.

Mrs. Lang nods, “The Hightower.”

I groan but nod before turning to head towards my room but Mrs. Lang stops me.

“Your pills!” She calls running after me in her white flat shoes and a glass of water in her hand.

I take the pills in my fist before tossing them into my mouth. I drain the cool glass of water and wince as the five pills slide down my throat. Mrs. Lang pats my shoulder with a pity filled smile before heading back towards the kitchen with the empty glass. Kneading my forehead I walk towards my bedroom and close the door behind me feeling more dejected then I did before I left last night.

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