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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"I Wanna Be Sedated" By Th Ramones



Over the course of the last two days since my release from the isolation room Johnny has made it his mission to introduce me to everyone he deems to be of interest. For Johnny the requirements of getting his interest are simple. Be attractive, have an interesting reason for being here and amuse him.

I fit into all those categories.

First he introduces me to Wendy. Wendy is a twenty-five year old wife and mother who suffers from Pica. With her bright white smile, milk chocolate skin and beautiful thick black colored curls she is indeed attractive. Pica, her reason for being here, was interesting since after one time too many of swallowing laundry detergent her husband, fearing he’s lose her, sent her to Hazelwood. Wendy was also terribly sweet and often coddled Johnny like a mother bird.

Next came Bobby. Bobby is in his mid-thirties with the looks of a choirboy and the personality of a rock star. Bobby, with his short brown hair, large blue eyes and boyish grin is the object of Johnny’s fantasies, despite him having a boyfriend and Bobby being as straight as they came. Bobby is suicidal and was sent to Hazelwood after his girlfriend waked in on him hanging from a beam in their apartment. Bobby is also a musician with a sense of grandeur.

His suicide note was so similar to Kurt Cobain’s it’s ridiculous.

Finally, Talia is added to the mix. Talia is a beautiful blonde with anorexia. She was a ballerina until she was dropped from the American Ballet after she fainted on stage. She’s in her late twenties but looks to be in her mid-teens with how undeveloped her body is from malnutrition. She’s snide, bitchy and all around not my cup of tea. I can also say without question the feeling is mutual.

Currently the five of us are strewn about in the ‘social’ area. Bobby is drumming absently on the side of his chair, blue eyes focused off in the distance. Johnny is staring at Bobby licking his lips making me jab him with my elbow with a warning look, which he brushes off. Talia is curled up on a chair with her head on her knee while watching ‘The Wizard of Oz’ on TV a distance away while Wendy and I play checkers.

Of course my eyes are glued to Wendy’s hand since she’s been known to eat a checker piece on occasion.

“So I hear you got a private room.” Johnny comments as I jump three of Wendy’s red pieces. “Lucky bitch you are.”

I shrug, “Dad insisted”

“That’s Mr. Money Bags, right Johnny?” Talia asks before sneering at me, “Johnny told me all about you rich bitch Stewarts. Is it true your mother is ashamed to be seen with you in public?”

Johnny’s loose lips don’t surprise me in the slightest. He’s a terrible gossip and if you want anything to be kept a secret you never even hint a thing to good ole Johnny. Rolling my eyes at the sheepish expression on his face I stick my tongue out at Wendy as she takes one of my pieces.

“That’s something you’d have to ask my mother, Talia.” I respond smoothly.

“Well some of us have to work for a living so I’m afraid running into your gold digger mother isn’t going to happen.”

I glance at Talia’s haughty dark green eyes before moving a black checker piece, “Well that’s too bad. I hear my mother would just love to swap recipes with you. She too loves a box a laxatives. Tell me, since you can’t take them anymore do you just say shit in hopes of getting it out of your system?”

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