Chapter 22

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Luke opened the door for me. "Thanks." I smiled.

"Your Welcome." He gave me a grin.

"Hey, before I forget, I was supposed to tell you that there's like this anoucement or something going on over at Ashtons house later. And he told me to tell you, Cal, and Mikey." I said unsure of what to say.

"Ok, thanks. I'll text Cal, and you can tell Michael."

"Ok. I'll see you later tonight."

"Ok." He gave me a smile, I smiled back and then I gave him a peck on the cheek and then ran inside.

Michael was sitting on the couch with Destiny, talking to my Aunt and Uncle. So I tip toed up the steps without being noticed.... Success! I walked into my room, and got a nice hot bath. I turned on the water, and then decided to make it a bubble bath. So I poured in a lot of  'Mr. Bubble' So there was a lot of BUBBLES!

I ran out of the bathroom quietly, and grabbed my radio and phone. I quietly ran back, locked the door, and then plugged up my radio, put in the 'line in' cord, and blasted out 'Simple Plan'.

I cranked it up and it played 'Addicted'. I took off my clothes and laid down in my bathtub. The water felt relaxing. This was probably the best thing that had happened all day.

I heard Michael banging on the door telling me to turn it down. I looked at the door with a serious face, because he just interrupted my peace, so I flipped him off from behind the door. Then went back to relaxing.

After awhile I decide, I might as well get out and tell Michael that he needs to get ready to go to Ashtons house, for this stupid announcement. *Gasp* What if he proposes to Sidney? Maybe she already knows. That can't happen. We're only 17! This is to much. Maybe that's why she was being a bitch this morning. Cause she didn't want her fiancèe hugging another girl. Angh she'll get over it.

I grabbed my towel, dried myself off, then wrapped my towel around my hair. I grabbed my fuzzy pink robe, put it on an  then tied it, and walked out of my bathroom, and into my room.

I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my pink lace tank, and I wore a black tank underneath it. I put on my denim shorts, my black converse, and then I put on my pink slouchy beanie. I brushed my wet hair, then blow dried it. I put on some mascara. I didn't want to put too much on. I wasn't really going to go anywhere.

I opened my bedroom door to find my mum and dad standing there.

"You look cute." My mum said approving my awesome outfit.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Why?" My dad added.

"No reason." I shrugged.

My mum sighed and then said "Well, we're gonna go see a movie with your Aunt Lola, and Uncle Louis... Do you wanna come with us?"

"Nah, rain check though." I smiled.

"Look, I know that your Aunt and Uncle may be a little..." She put her finger up to her head and spun it around. I giggled. "But try to make their trip worth the while. Cause they love y'all, and y'all are the reason that they came down, so please... Maybe tomorrow after school, hang out with them... Just for 30 minutes-to an hour."

"Ugh... Mum, no. I don't want to do th-"

She cut me off, "Look Dresden. I don't care what you want to do, I  I say something, you need to do it. Okay?"

I sighed and shook my head "Ok." I pierced my lips together.. I was so freaking pissed.

She gave me a kiss on the head. "Love you. We'll be back in a little while."

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