(My own)
You walked into the room you and the boys just bought with a loud sigh.
"I want this bed!" You dropped your bags at the door and ran to the closest of the two beds.
"Im having this one!" Dean copied your actions and ran to the other bed.
"Great, looks like im on the couch" Sam mumbled to himself before sitting down on the stiff looking couch.
"Tough luck Sammy" Dean laughed and laid back on the bed, resting his head on his hands as he stared at the cieling. Sam rolled his eyes and took out his laptop, placing it on the coffee table infront of him.
"So what do you think we are chasing then?" You asked coming up behind Sam.
"Hm well there has been report of people being found in the woods with bite marks on their necks and their bodies lacking blood" Sam read from the article on his laptop.
"So Vamps?" Dean sat up and spoke with a sigh.
"Looks like it" Sam turned his head to direct his speech to Dean, making his lips brush against your check, you didnt realise you were that close to his face when you bent down to look at his laptop. "Sorry" his face flushed.
"Yeah me too" you smiled, trying to ignore the hotness on your face.
"Well im going to run to the store to get some food, I havent eaten in two hours" Dean stood up, noticing yours and Sams littke moment.
"Okay, be safe" you smiled and watched him leave the room. "So what do you want to do?" You jumped over the back of the couch so you were sitting next to Sam.
"Wanna watch movie?" He grabbed the remote and flicked through the channels.
"Sounds good, let me just email my brother, he is working a case in Mississippi with Garth at the moment" You looked up to your older brother, he was the one who introduced you to Sam and Dean, apparently they knew each other from school. You pulled Sams laptop to you and you began writing to him.
"Okay" you closed the lid on the laptop and turned to look at Sam who was already looking at you. "What?" You smiled lightly. "Is there something on my face?" You imminently began to rub you face.
"No" he laughed and took hold of your wrist, bringing them away from your face, "I was just wondering how a person could be so beautiful" he said smoothly, still holding onto your hands.
"Is it bad that I think you are joking" you blushed and looked down at your hands, they fitted perfectly in his.
"(Y/N) im not joking, you are truly beautiful" he smiled kindly and also looked down at your hands. "Can I be honest with you?" He looked back up and met your eyes.
"Well i wouldnt want you to lie to me" You cheekily replied.
"Well I have feelings for you... and I have since your brother introduced us. I know this is stupid because you like Dean but I cant bottle up my feelings" he rubbed his thumb gently over the back of your hand.
"Sam, I love Dean but in a brotherly way. But you on the other hand..." You had a sudden boost of confidence and you placed your lips slowly onto his. The kiss was short but sweet. "I love you in a differnt way" Sam grinned and rested his forehead against yours and kissed you again this time deeper and for a longer time.
"Please guys" Dean groaned as he walked in, holding a fast food bag. "Do this somewhere else, I swear to god if you two shag tonight I will kill you both!" You pulled away from Sam's lips laughing.
"Oh shut up" You smiled at him then turned back to Sam. "Shall we watch that film now?"
It was now around 3:00am and the hardness of the cheep bed was keeping you up. You decided to check your emails to see if your brother had messaged back, but still nothing. Sighing you went to lock your phone when Garths number popped up followed by the vibration of your phone.
"Whats up?" You asked tiredly.
"(Y/N).... im really sorry but your brother..." Garth took in a deep breath and let out a shaky one. "Hes dead"
Your mind went blank and you couldnt hear. Seconds passed but they felt like years. "Im sorry" you finally heard Garth say before he hung up. Your phone remained at your ear as you were paralyzed.
"No" you whispered to yourself still not wanting to wake up the boys even though you wanted to scream and kick. "No" you repeated and finally moved to burry your head in your pillow. You sobbed.
"(Y/N)..." Sam whispered, sitting up on the couch. "Whats the matter?" He rushed over to you and knelt down next to your bed. "Talk to me" he rubbed your arm, trying to comfort you.
"My brother, my only family member left is dead" you brought your head out of the pillow to look at Sam. Your eyes were bloodshot and puffy.
"Jesus" Sam whispered and lifted up the cover and slipped in the bed with you, wrapping his strong arms around your body. "Shhh" he continued to rub your arm.
"I have no family" You cried into his chest, wetting his grey top.
"Ill be your family" he replied softly kissing the top of your head.
"I love you" you calmed down and whispered to him
"I love you too"
A/N- sorry I havent updated in a while, I hope you like this one! Send me your requests guys!! (Sorry for mistakes, writing on my phone)

Supernatural One Shots~Requests open
Novela JuvenilA collection of supernatural one shots. Send me requests!!! <3 ~Castiel_Is_My_Bae