Summary: A really fluffy Sam and reader one shot where the reader is Charlie’s friend who does the larping stuff. During that episode they kinda fall for each other then meet back up months later and finally confess.
“…Moondoor will prevail!” Cheers echoed around you, the shouting deafening your hearing ability.
You adored LARPing and all it had to offer because it was a chance to forget about real life problems, but today that seemed like quite a challenge to you. You were struggling financially, basically on the verge of losing your apartment, and you hadn’t seen Carrie all weekend thus putting yourself on the brink of a mental breakdown.
Carrie was the first real friend you’ve had since your ex-fiance, but it had taken a while to get to where you are now. Before she swooped in with her long, fiery orange hair to save the day, you were engaged to you one of your best friends you met in college. He had proposed in your junior year and he was a senior at the time. The two of you got along stellarly, always challenging each other physically and mentally. In fact, he didn’t even give you a weird look when you mentioned that this was your second time in a four-year college, and you came back to further educate yourself. You were always standing as wit and common sense in your relationship which had never seemed to bother him until you both graduated.
After graduation, you moved into the small apartment he was renting and everything was fine for the first handful of weeks until he got tired of your constant “nagging”. The nagging he was talking about was only you being concerned about the finances of the apartment. Since he was unemployed and you had a shitty office job, there was rarely a time that there would be running hot water, or internet access. He turned to drinking and didn’t concern himself with the bills, so when he didn’t have a hot shower he blamed it on you. Physically. During the beginning, he didn’t even leave a bruise, but as time progressed he started to become more hostile. Then, Carrie started to notice.
When you walked into work one windy day, you had forgotten about the gruesome looking bruise wrapped around your collarbone that you usually concealed with your hair. Carrie had asked if everything was all right, you shook your head. You confided in her, everything that had happened to you since graduation emanated her, and you didn’t realize how much he had done to belittle you until you told someone else.
Somehow, someway, Carrie had managed to help you break of the engagement and move out of the apartment and into one of your own. Life was a daily struggle to be positive and stay happy, but ultimately, you started to become much happier. At some point within the last month she convinced you to try out LARPing with her and you loved it within the first weekend. You tried to fit in with her people, the followers of the Moon, but it wasn’t a match. Men overpowered women in her faction, so you looked to the other realms.
The Shadow Orks didn’t accept females, and the Warriors of Yesteryear were too stereotypical for your taste. The Elves on the other hand were different. They treated all as equals, nobody berated another without a strong reason to, and it was peaceful. There were little to no fights in the faction because each person acted as their own peacekeeper which kept everything very amicable.
You made yourself a part of the Elves and felt comfort in your decision. They made it easy to forget about your break-up and financial state. They even balanced out your stress-filled, anger aptitude. All and all, your life had seemed to turn around within those few months. You focused yourself more on your weekend tournament costumes and genre mashups more than work most of the time, which wasn’t all too bad.
The cheers of the people of Moondoor finally ceased, your ears still ringing from the intensity of the sound. You glanced over at the crowd of people circling the two broad-swordsmen dueling for their chance at being a squire to serve the queen, Carrie as you knew her. You sighed gently as your bare feet treaded over the sodden grass, trying to rid yourself from the glum mood reality left you in.

Supernatural One Shots~Requests open
Teen FictionA collection of supernatural one shots. Send me requests!!! <3 ~Castiel_Is_My_Bae