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-??? PoV
She looks strong. Maybe... maybe I can get to know her... so I can beat her. I have to be number one and she looks like she might get in the way.

"Well, welcome to our class!" A happy voice chirped from beside me.

"Thanks, Uraraka~San!" The girl smiled. (L/N) was her name?

"Y-you know my name?" Uraraka smiled.

"Yup, you really caught my eye at the sports fest last year, and when the pros invaded the base of the eightfold cleansers!" She replied.

Why was she always smiling?

-(Y/N) PoV

Homeroom was over and because it was my first day back, i was able to go to the dorms and relax.

I grabbed my iPod and blasted some tunes. Panic! was up first, then Black Pink, then BTS. I was about to drift to sleep when I got a text on my phone.

Hey, HH, you on?

Hey, Ice, wyut?

Not that much, u?

Just listening to BTS.

Cool, what song?


Again? That song isn't
even that good.

You didn't...

Really? Pretty sure I did.

Burn in Hell, Ice. O, gtg
Anyways. Bye.

Same here. Bye HH.

I dropped my phone onto my stomach. Me and Black Ice have been online friends since forever, though we don't really know much about eachother, other than that we both live for role playing- which is the way we met.

I got off of my bed and decided to relax by having a nice warm shower, so I grabbed my iPod, my speakers and my towel and headed to the bathroom.

After coming up from my shower, I collapsed onto my bed with my wet hair flying in every possible direction. I picked up my phone and checked on my RP group chat. Huh? BlackHound and HellIce?

Anyone else ship BlackHound?

Huh? U mean HellIce? Nope.

Pfft, you jelly AF, AF1.

Wtf is HellIce and BlackHound?


Okay. U guys know where Hound and Freak are??

I'm here. Dunno bout Freak tho.

I don't like Freak.

C'mon, K, you don't mean that!

I forgot you two knew eachother IRL. Too bad I don't know u guys, right?

Yeah. I know.

What high school u guys go 2?

Sorry if it is stalkerish.

Don't freak out, but I go UA.

Same!! 0•0!!! No way! :))

Guys, me too!! Wow!! So does K. Rich, do u?

Yup! Hah, I doubt you guys are friends with me tho, I'm kinda anti-social.

I told you not to freak out but okay...

I'm friends with a few peeps, though too many people make fun of me for my placement in the UA sports fest last year... :(

New student in my class so I'm super pumped to get to know them, so I can beat their ass!!

You are starting to sound like K. XD

Quick thing, what is HellIce and BlackHound??

BlackHound is my ship name for you and Ice.

I don't agree with this unholy behaviour!!

You are starting to sound like this guy in my class called Iida, lol.

Hey guys.

Sup, Freak.

Sup, HH. How is life for ya at UA??

Freak already knew??

She accidentally txted me 'So Hyped for UA tomorrow, lolz'

You must be a year younger than me then, cool to have some diversity, I thought we were all the same age, lol.

Ah, lights out starts in a few, night.

Night everyone!

C u all tomorrow.

Good night☺️

Have a shitty night.


I smiled at myself. All of my friend go to UA? Wow, I guess we are gonna have to fight eachother this year.

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