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taeil got up from the sofa stretching himself , his back ached like anything, he sat and just thought about the events last night ,

'doyoung had  abruptly entered his room , he had shushed him since haechan was already sleep , doyoung walked up to him , taeil thought he came here to tease him , instead he felt a warm presence around him suddenly , doyoung hugged him weakly , taeil felt doyoung shivering uncontrollably , instinctively his hands hugged doyoung back and rubbed his back in small circles . after the surprising hug , doyoung slept in his hug, taeil just laid him on his bed and covered him with the sheets, taeil dint have the heart to wake him or kick him , he dragged himself to the couch instead'

"hyung , did you sleep here ?", he looked up to see taeyong drying his hair 


"what happened to your room , hyung ?"

"a certain bunny slept on my bed", taeil sighed 

"what ?", taeyong looked confused 

"nothing , oh since I'm already awake , let me help you ", taeil got up and went to refresh himself

"what's gotten into him ? he never woke up early before , let alone helping me ", taeyong looked even more confused 


"are you sure ?", jaemin asked , trying to imagine what haechan just said

"yes , I saw it with my eyes ", haechan pointed his eyes to emphasize the point 

renjun said , "but they are always fighting "

"maybe they are putting up a show in front of us , so that we won't figure out anything", haechan said 

"nah , it cannot be ", jeno said knowing how bad an actor taeil was, "after you guys came , there are so many weird things happening around us"

"so you're saying you don't want me ?", jaemin pouted 

"no , I dint mean that way , by the way what are we jaemin ?", jeno asked 

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