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sicheng opened his eyes to darkness , he was in a pitch-dark room , he called renjun's name , there was no response , he got up and walked slowly shouting renjun's name , suddenly he heard the door creak , he looked to see a man coming towards him , 

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sicheng opened his eyes to darkness , he was in a pitch-dark room , he called renjun's name , there was no response , he got up and walked slowly shouting renjun's name , suddenly he heard the door creak , he looked to see a man coming towards him , 

"renjun is dead , you're left ", he smirked as he pulled a knife to him 

"w-what "

the man lifted the knife to stab sicheng

sicheng gasped and opened his eyes , it was just a dream , no, night mare , but-

he felt a hand on his shoulder ,

"did you have a nightmare ?", yuta asked sitting next to him

"r-renjun ? is he fine ?", sicheng asked sweating 

yuta lifted his hand , using the sleeve of his hand , he wiped sicheng's face and looked at him , "none of them have come back yet , but they all have each other , so I believe they all will be fine", yuta sighed 

"h-hyung ?", the chinese boy looked up 


"w-what if they do somethin-"

"shhhhh", yuta hugged him , "he has johnny and the others with him , nothing bad will happen to anybody ", he said praying silently 

sicheng hugged the elder and sobbed quietly into him while yuta rubbed his back .


"can you stop crying ?", ten panted as his shoulder was bleeding from the bullet shot he just took protecting taeyong 

"how can I ?", taeyong sobbed , "why ? why would you do that ?", he tried to sniff but couldn't cause his hands were tied behind him 

"cause you're my friend ", ten said simply 

"I'm so sorry , where is that guy ? YAAAAAAAH ? CAN'T YOU LET SOMEONE TREAT HIM ? YOU EMOTIONLESS MONSTROUS .....mmmmm", jaehyun covered taeyong's mouth with his shoulders 

"he is gonna shoot you next "

"JOHNNY DO SOMETHING ", taeyong yelled managing to move from jaehyun

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