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"should we ask him ?", jeno asked nervously

"yes we should ", jaemin answered , jeno completely ignored him and turned to renjun , "should we ?"

"jeno stop pressing my fingers , oh gosh it's red now ", renjun shouted 

"press mine ", jaemin said holding out his hands

haechan turned , "what ?"

renjun was disgusted , "what ?"

jaemin was like , "what ? I did not say that ", jeno still ignoring him 

"guys there is chenle , should we ?", jeno asked pointing to chenle who was heading home , 

"his eyes look red ", haechan noted 

"DID THAT USELESS COUSIN OF YOURS MAKE MY LELE CRY ?", renjun huffed at jeno angrily

"listen babe I swear ", jeno started 

"BABE ?", jaemin glared at renjun and jeno , then at haechan 

"if you look at me that way , Ill make sure you cannot look anymore jaemin", haechan said , "besides I dint even do anything this time"

jaemin looked very hurt , "JENO , YOU DATE RENJUN AS SOON AS WE BREAK UP , RENJUN, YOU STAB ME IN THE FRONT LIKE THIS ", and he ran away dramatically 

"its stab in the back genius , besides you and jeno never dated in the first place let alone breaking up ", more shouts were heard from the direction where jaemin ran as haechan corrected him

"aren't you gonna tell him the truth ?", renjun asked 

"nope , let him suffer for now", jeno said calmly 

"you must have been my brother in my last life ", haechan said as he looked at jeno in adoration

"oh there is jisung ", pointed haechan as he got ready for some drama

renjun ran to him with that scary look in his face which wasn't actually scary at all , "YOU DARE HARASS MY COUSIN ?", he pushed jisung's shoulder , 

"babe , calm down ", jeno came 

"you guys are dating ? what happened to jaemin hyung ?", jisung looked confused 

haechan took out a chocolate milk shake , "more drama for me ", he said sipping the milk shake 


"so he babes you when jaemin hyung is present ", jisung said trying to understand the picture 

"what ?", jeno looked confused

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