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two years later 

renjun was standing nervously and waiting , he came here alone the first person , he wanted to meet him  before anyone else , 

"you're here for ?", a guard stopped him from entering

"umm xiao dejun ", renjun said unsure 

"hmm" , the guard read through a list in his hand , " ah , yeah , he is getting released today ", he moved away letting him pass

he walked into a hallway which was of dim lighting , he stood there wondering where to go until he felt a hand on his shoulder , 

"xiao....... oh , hi I just thought you were someone ", renjun said looking embarrassed 

"it's okay , I was asked to give you this ", the man gave him a red colored letter 

"oh thank you",renjun smiled , he opened the letter and read , 

"dear renjun , 

meet me in our place "

it was signed jun with a heart 

renjun thought deeply , they both met the first time in a theater , the second time was in the park , all the other coincident times were in the park , even in seoul they met in the park for the first time , he turned and ran out 

he ran and ran until he reached the park , he entered the park only to be stopped by a small boy ,

"hyung , this is yours", he said handing him a second letter

renjun thanked the boy and opened it , 

"well , it seems like you found the place , find the accidental bench "

again it was signed jun with a heart , there were a thousand benches in the park , how will he know which one ?, he stood there and thought , he came to the park for his child's death anniversary , he walked unconsciously as he was thinking , he remembered walking almost crashing into a cycle , 


a cycle was coming towards him , he just stood there , it's like his brain was expecting for something to happen , he felt a hand on his wrist which pulled him away , he sat on something , no someone 

he turned to see xiaojun , 

"well , we meet the same way ", xiaojun chuckled 

"xiaojun? ", renjun looked surprised 

"you look like you're not going to get up , I have no choice then", xiaojun said lifting him bridal style

"hey put me down", renjun cried covering his red face 

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