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Bucky and Ramona have been sticking to the shadows when Steve by the Potomac. Bucky didn't run he just casually walked by as if he was just a weird guy that lived on the streets, people moved out of his way for the most part. Ramona stayed close to his side that was away from people, she didn't have a collar or leash, Bucky thought it would be better for her to just stay on his inside. Bucky looked around trying to find a change of clothes, the ones he was wearing was starting to dry and becoming uncomfortable. Bucky came across a second hand store, he pause looking at store, then began to analyze, Bucky then duck into a side alley keeping his eyes on the store staking it out. Ramona sat by his side looking at him wondering what he was doing, Bucky made a slight noise then went further into the alley away from view. "Ok girl, we are just going to wait here until night fall, I need new clothes, can't get caught now can we." Bucky said with a smile as he slid down the building wall. Ramona laid down by his side curling up, letting out a big yawn then placing her head on his lap enjoying the rubs she was receiving. Bucky let his head rest against the building wall then began to just think, while rubbing Ramona on her head and back. 

Bucky didn't realize that he fell into a light sleep, his eyes open slowly at first then quickly snap open looking around his surroundings forgetting for a second that he wasn't with Hydra. Bucky looked down at Ramona who was awake looking towards the alley, she then turned her attention back to Bucky when she felt him jolt awake. Bucky let out a sigh then looked to the now closed second hand store. "Stay here girl, i'll be back." Bucky said standing up checking his surroundings then sneaking to the store for new gear. Ramona stayed where she was, but continue to keep Bucky in her sights. Ramona was listening for Bucky, incase he was in trouble, everything was quiet for the most part, she then see him inside the store quickly gather all the things that he needed. She then spotted him pausing at a bookshelf before grabbing what seem to be a book from it then quickly coming out the store and over to there spot. Ramona wagged her tail while walking to Bucky greeting him as if he's been gone longer then three minutes. Bucky pet Ramona as he walked by to change into his new clothes. He grab as much as he could without rising to much alarm. Once in dry clothes he then looked at his old Hydra clothes, he didn't want to remember anything about that place. He quickly grab them putting them in a trash can and setting fire to it, while Bucky watching as his old clothes began to burn he was remember his time from the war, when he first was capture.

Ramona was watching the flames as well, she then felt Bucky energy change, Ramona looked to Bucky finding that his eyes were close and he was grinding his teeth. Ramona whined then nudge his leg knocking him out of his stupa. Bucky let out a deep breath, he put his hand on his head trying to calm down his breathing, he remember that man, Steve and himself were trying to escape out of a building, Bucky couldn't remember everything just remember heat and fire. "This is going to be harder then I thought girl, I hope not every little thing trigger a memory." Bucky said hugging onto Ramona, trying to calm his breathing. Ramona stayed still giving Bucky all the comfort that she can. Ramona lick his face for all that she was worth, she let out a whine wanting Bucky to get back to being happy, little did she know it would take a while before Bucky will every come close. Bucky let go of Ramona feeling silly getting comfort from a dog, but she was all he had at the moment, "Sorry girl, come on let get out of here." Bucky said grabbing his backpack walking out the alley and away from his past.

While walking Bucky was looking at the nightlife. The night was filled with interesting characters. Bucky couldn't wrap his mind around at what he was seeing, women and women at heart was hollering at him with cat calls trying to lure him to go with them to who know where. Bucky would turn his head not wanting to attract attention, he then see the young people going into clubs and bars where he can hear loud upbeat music, he was happy to know that haven't change at all from what he remembers. Bucky look down to Ramona making sure she was doing ok, she was in front of him growling at some of the nightlife people that would come to close to them. "It's ok girl, don't worry to much about them." Bucky said quietly to Ramona, as soon as those words left his mouth he spotted a fellow that looked suspicious, the fellow was looking around trying to look casual. Bucky knew better, he can spot when some one was up to no good. He tighten his grip on his bag as he passed the fellow, no sooner he did that, the man tried to slug Bucky from behind. Bucky was quick to apprehend the man knocking him out then dragging him away from the public, Ramona follow behind as Bucky was searching the man for anything good. Bucky found One Hundred dollars on the man and decided to take it as a contributing award to keeping the world safe from harm.

Bucky used the money to get himself and Ramona some food, Bucky was enjoying his meal at a park that he found when he was sent to assonate Nick Fury. Ramona was eating her dog food that Bucky got when he went to a 24hours store. Bucky was enjoying watching her eat for some reason, maybe it had something to do with there past. When Bucky was finish with his meal, he pulled out his journal that he snag from the second hand store, he figured that writing down his memory would help a lot. He began his first entry with todays memory of heat and fire, that was all he wrote down, then he put a circle around Steve name. "Steve must have been a big part of my life girl. I wish you can talk and tell me everything about him and I." Bucky said as he was putting that days date on the conner of the page. Ramona finished eating letting out a burp before drinking her water, once she was finish she walked over to Bucky laying down beside him nudging her head under his arm asking for love. Bucky let out a laugh setting his journal back into his bag, "Of course, I can't remember everything, I don't even know me girl, I don't even know where to start." Bucky said thinking hard about everything that is going on. Ramona looked at him then spotting a poster that was on a street lamp, Ramona got up from under Bucky and ran to the street lamp. Bucky quickly got up looking after her wondering where she was going, Ramona looked back to Bucky then continue making her way to the street lamp. Buck followed her grabbing his backpack, making his way to his crazy girl, he now understood why she ran over here, on the street lamp was an advertisement about the Smithsonian Museum new Captain America exhibit. "Ramona, you're a genius." Bucky said with a smile snatching the ad from the street lamp, "Let's go see what this is about, what better place to find information about yourself then a museum." Bucky said with a small smile, Ramona let out a bark shaking her head.

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