Not the Only One

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Ramona was smelling her way to Bucky with Steve and Sam following close behind, Ramona walked passed fallen bodies that Bucky took down, Steve and Sam slowed their walking looking at the damage that happen not that long ago. Steve and Sam shared a look with one another beginning to get more caution the closer they were getting to the interrogation room. Ramona slowed for a moment to look behind her making sure Steve and Sam was close then continuing down the hall were Bucky scent was getting stronger, Ramona sense that Bucky wasn't the same, the energy that she was feeling wasn't the same. Ramona slowed down as she spotted the interrogator on the floor knocked out, she growl at him but staying near the entrance as she heard Steve and Sam coming up from the rear. The men looked around still not spotting Bucky anywhere, Steve went right to the interrogator lifting him up by his collar, "Who are you? What do you want?" Steve growled at the man, the man just looked at Steve up and down with a smirk  "I just want to see an empire fall." The man stated, that's when Bucky started the attack grabbing Sam by the throat throwing him against the cage that he was just in.

Steve was surprise at the attack, force to let go he went on the defense as Bucky started the attack, the two was fighting making their way into the other room, Steve and Bucky was throwing blow for blow each evenly match, Bucky slammed Steve against the elevator door forcing the door to cave in within its self. As Steve was falling the shaft, Ramona bit onto Bucky leg trying to force him down, Bucky looked down at the dog, he then bend down trying to grab her with his metal arm. Ramona was quick and moved out of the way, when she was far enough Bucky went back on the attack trying to get rid of the dog that was causing him a headache, Ramona was fast and dodging every swing Bucky was trying to make, Bucky had enough and went full speed towards her finally making a grab of her throwing her back were Sam was. Ramona recovered quickly shaking her fur, once she gain her bearings she ran after Bucky keeping him in her sights. Sam saw what happen then he spotted the interrogator walking out the room, "Hey!" Sam shouted as the blurriness was fading away, the man ran away with Sam following close behind.

Bucky made his way to the main hall where more agents was trying to stop him, when the room was almost cleared the felt a sonic wave hit him, he turned his head spotting Tony who then sent a flash wave to him which did absolutely nothing. The two men went at it with each other, but Tony was just no match for him without his suit, Bucky almost shot Tony if it wasn't for his gloves. The ladies, Natasha and Sheron came to Tony rescue trying their best to beat Bucky, but that was quickly done as soon as it started, Bucky was making grounds to his escape. Ramona came flying by Tony and the ladies trying to keep Bucky near, "Yea go ahead, we're ok!" Tony shouted after Ramona who of course didn't pay him any mind. Ramona spotted Bucky getting attack by the shadow guy, Ramona stayed out of this fight she didn't want to attack Bucky she wasn't sure why he was doing all this, what she did know for sure was, this wasn't her Bucky this was the other energy that she felt when she found him the first time. When the fight was over and Bucky disappeared the shadow guy looked over to Ramona with a glare. Ramona growled back turning the other way following Bucky scent, she then heard banging coming from the elevator shaft not to long after Steve bust out surprise to see Ramona there who looked equally surprise, both look at one another for a split second then ran behind Bucky hearing a helicopter start. Steve open the roof door just in time to spot Bucky taking off, he ran grabbing the helicopter holding on trying to get his momentum. Steve began to pull the helicopter down with just his strength alone, Bucky looked impress with the man strength, when the alarms started going off Bucky knew he couldn't get away, he made the helicopter go towards the man instead forcing him to let go. The helicopter began spinning almost hitting Steve, when the helicopter stop spinning, Bucky reach out grabbing the man by the throat dragging him with him as the helicopter was going down, Ramona grab Steve by his shirt trying to hold on but failed parts of his shirt was in her teeth when both men fell. Ramona looked over the flight pad spotting Steve come up dragging Bucky with him to shore. She then made her way back down the stairs, she spotted people still exiting the building in a panic after hearing the crash from the helicopter, blending in she made her way outside without being spotted and began looking around.

Ramona smelt Sam scent, she made her way to him as he, himself was trying to blend in with the crowd. Ramona nudge Sam hand scaring the poor man, Sam turned around spotting Ramona with her tongue out giving him a smile sitting down, "Damn it, stop doing that. Why do you have cloth in your mouth?" Sam said looking around, "Come one let wait to hear from Steve." Sam said walking with the crowd, Ramona stayed close to him keeping clear of the people that was running in a panic, she then heard static coming from Sam who raised the earpiece to his ears. "Copy Cap, I have Ramona here too." Sam said making his way to Steve. "Come on girl." Sam said power walking to the location Steve was hiding in. When Sam and Ramona found Steve, Ramona ran up to Steve jumping on him with his shirt still in her mouth. "Hey girl, ha ha thanks for my missing piece to my shirt." Steve said petting Ramona then grabbing the missing piece of his shirt from her. "How is he." Sam ask rubbing his neck, Steve look to the still passed out Bucky, "Hopefully he's ok, who knows what happen in there Sam." Steve said, "I'm going to keep lookout, can you watch him with Ramona." Steve ask Sam nod his head standing in the doorway watching Bucky like a hawk. Ramona went to Bucky licking his face wanting him to wake up, but he didn't budge. Ramona laid down near Bucky feet waiting for him to regain consciousness.

Bucky let out a groan, Ramona got up which alerted Sam, "Cap he's waking up." Sam said. Steve made his way over to Bucky as he was openings eyes. Ramona went back to licking his face making whining noise and wagging her tail in happiness. "Steve? Ramona?" Bucky said still out of it, "Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve ask making sure his friend was really back. Bucky took a minute to think, which was hard with Ramona covering his face with dog kisses. "Your mother name was Sarah, she use to stuff your shoes with newspaper." Bucky said laughing at the memory of his friend wearing to big shoes. Steve smiled turning a little read, "Yep, can't read that in the museum." He then went over taking Bucky out of his confinement, "Just like that we're ok again." Sam said with an unbelievable look. Bucky pet Ramona giving her a kiss on her nose, "I'm ok girl, sorry for what ever I did." Bucky said grabbing her head while rubbing her cheeks, "What did happen?" Bucky ask, "You tell me, we need to know what that man wanted with you Bucky, he spend only a few minutes with you and all this happen, what did he ask for when the power went out?" Steve ask not budging on wanting to know everything that his friend went through. Bucky looked to Steve and Sam, he then told them everything he remember about his time at Hydra, about his time as The Winter Solider and what he had to do when they brought in five new Winter Soldiers.

After hearing Bucky tale about the others Steve and Sam decided they needed to be stop, but first they had to deal with being public enemy number one, and dealing with their friends that works for the government. While Sam and Steve was making plans they needed to fight, Bucky was back in his own world as he was petting Ramona, Bucky felt violated all over again. Who would've thought that Hydra was capable of putting words in his brain to make him become the Winter Solider, Bucky truly thought for a second that he was free from them and was able to gain his memories back in peace. Today showed that Hydra still had a hold on him, they still controlled him in their own sick way, he knew those other soldiers couldn't wake up, not ever, remembering the battles that Hydra put them through made everything that much more dire. Bucky look to Steve and Sam then down to Ramona who was between his legs enjoying the love he was giving her as he was scratching her favorite spot and decided, he need to keep them safe, from Hydra, from the other five Soldiers but most importantly from himself. "Come on, we need to get our gear back, but first we need a car." Steve said to his friends, Ramona was at attention when the word car was mention, Bucky laugh at his little girl, "You know, i'm surprise that flying cars haven't been invented yet." Bucky said light heartedly as he remember going to the Stark Expo and seeing Howard hover car. Steve smiled at his friend, "No, I guess we need to wait another few years before that happen." Steve and Bucky shared a laugh, Sam didn't know what that was about as he watch the two men.

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