On Another Journey

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Months have passed since Bucky's been on the run, during that time he and Ramona have been road tripping across the states, getting odd jobs then leaving before anyone can identify Bucky. The duo made their way to New York and it was a mess, Bucky couldn't believe what happen and that his friend was a part of it. Everything was just destroyed, when Bucky heard the devastation on the news he couldn't wrap his head around it, hearing about it on the tv and seeing it in person was different. Bucky didn't plan on staying in New York just driving by and resting maybe even try to find his family, Bucky looked to the passenger seat where his little girl was resting her head out the window with her eyes close. Bucky knew Ramona was tired, they just left the South and during their time there Bucky got a job at a ranch, the owner thought it would be a good idea for Ramona to try herding. Bucky wasn't so sure about the idea, given that Ramona was more of a city dog then a country dog, but he was willing to have himself a good laugh and boy did he.

Ramona was a big dog, a lot people will think that it would help with fear factor to other animals, but the rancher animals were fearless and knew that Ramona wasn't from the country. When Bucky walked Ramona over to the field that held sheeps and a few deers, Ramona was smelling the animals and giving them a piece of her mind. Bucky laugh to himself watching Ramona run around the fence barking at the poor animals that was scrambling away from the annoying beast. "Well, seems to me she isn't to afraid, let's bring her in and see what she can do." The Rancher said opening the gate allowing Bucky and Ramona to walk in. Bucky was holding onto Ramona collar as she was growling, acting as if she was top dog. The Rancher closed the gate behind them, returning his attention to the duo, "Well go head, let her go son." The Rancher said with a smile to the quiet man. Bucky nod his head letting Ramona collar go, when Ramona felt Bucky let go of her she took off towards the animals while barking and wagging her tail. Bucky and the Rancher was watching Ramona run around not doing to much herding just going around and enjoying the fact that something was running away from her, The Rancher was making sure she didn't bite any of the animals as he and Bucky was following after her and the herd. Bucky was just enjoy watching her enjoy herself, he wasn't for sure how this herding thing will work out but it was worth a try. Ramona was going around chasing after the sheeps, the sheeps would just go in a circle for the most part, when Ramona would pass them, they then run towards The Rancher and Bucky staying behind them and continuing grazing. When it came to the deers how ever they were more stubborn and easily more annoyed, when one deer realize that Ramona didn't know what she was doing it stop in its tracks. Turning towards the dog, Ramona didn't know what to think when the animal that was running away from her all of sudden stop. Ramona barked at the animal charging forward but stopping when the deer in turn stomp its hooves at the dog. Bucky was watching the interaction with curiosity, how would his little girl handle this one, The Rancher on the other hand knew his animals and knew the colorful dog was going to be in for a surprise.

Ramona as big as she is can sometime be a scary cat...or dog, when the deer charged forward Ramona ran away from it barking with her hair standing at ends. Ramona didn't like that the animal was turning the tables and tried to gain control, she look towards Bucky who didn't help, he was just standing there with a smirk, Ramona turn back to the deer going full speed at it wanting it to run away and be afraid, the deer stood its grounds going around keeping the dog in its sights, Ramona was pushing on the deer but the thing wasn't budging. Soon the rest of the herd was watching the interaction and stop moving. The deer had enough of the dog and decided it was time for it to leave, the deer reared up on its hind legs before charging towards Ramona. Ramona was watching the deer coming closer to her, she barked at the deer then high tailed it before the deer could make contact, the deer continue its chase almost kicking Ramona rump, Ramona was running for her life, zig-zagging in between the other animals who also was chasing Ramona way, soon half the herd was chasing after the dog. Bucky and The Rancher was cackling watching such a huge dog be chase by a couple of sheeps and deers, Ramona made her way over and went behind Bucky and The Rancher panting hard with her tongue hanging out her mouth, The Rancher took control of the situation making gestures then calling in his dogs to get the herd back in line.

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